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ambulacral Meaning in Bengali

রশ্মীয় echinoderms এর ambulacra সংক্রান্ত

ambulacral's Usage Examples:

limited by how the ambulacral plates are arranged.

On the oral surface of the disc and radiating arms are four rows of ambulacral plates which are associated.

Echinozoans, there are five ambulacra separated by five ambulacral grooves, the interambulacra.

The ambulacral grooves bear four rows of tube feet but these are.

more radial canals extend from the ring canal, one in each arm above the ambulacral groove.

Most fossil forms had multiple columns of ambulacral plates, rather than the two rows found in all living species of sea urchin.

Each contains two ambulacral rows of plates alternating with two interambulacral rows.

The ambulacral plates are each pierced by a pair.

Other terms sometimes used to refer to the water vascular system are "ambulacral system" and "aquiferous system".

The ambulacral plates in somasteroids are simple and unspecialized, and the arms were.

1=papula and paxilla, 2=superomarginal plate, 3=inferomarginal plate, 4=ambulacral plates, 5=adambulacral plate Ossicles of an Astropecten aranciacus Armtip.

However they are differentiated by the lack of accessory ambulacral pores, which are characteristic of that group.

These pinnules all have ciliated ambulacral grooves that converge to form larger grooves in the arms that lead down.

tubercles and compound ambulacral plates with the lowest elements enlarged.

The pores are at regular intervals along the ambulacral plates from the apex.

That specimen was well-preserved with a single ambulacral area and most of two interambulacral areas present.

brittle, limy test is rigid and divided into five ambulacral areas separated by five inter-ambulacral areas.

The tegmen is divided into five "ambulacral areas", including a deep groove from which the tube feet project, and.

They have very large tubercles between the ambulacral plates, and much smaller ones on the ambulacral plates themselves.

The mouth and ambulacral grooves are on the upper surface of the disc.

Five, or less commonly three, ambulacral areas ran along the outside of the body, radiating outwards from the mouth.

The test is rigid, and divides into five ambulacral grooves separated by five interambulacral areas.

An ambulacral groove starts on each pinnule and joins with others to form grooves on.

ambulacral's Meaning':

pertaining to the ambulacra of radial echinoderms

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