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amoebae Meaning in Bengali




amoebae's Usage Examples:

Some of the amoebae become spores to begin the next generation, but some of the amoebae sacrifice themselves to become a dead.

of naked amoebae with a flattened, discoid body shape.

Members of the group do not produce tubular or subcylindrical pseudopodia, like amoebae of the class.

form somewhat resembles a slug and as such they are also called limax amoebae.

Lobosa is a taxonomic group of amoebae in the phylum Amoebozoa.

amoebae (formerly thecamoebians, Testacea or Thecamoeba) are a polyphyletic group of unicellular amoeboid protists, which differ from naked amoebae in.

slime molds, or social amoebae.

When food (normally bacteria) is readily available dictyostelids behave as individual amoebae, which feed and divide normally.

Arcellinid testate amoebae or Arcellinida, Arcellacean or lobose testate amoebae are single-celled protists partially enclosed in a simple test (shell).

are a major grouping of Amoebozoa, including most of the more familiar amoebae genera like Amoeba, Arcella, Difflugia and Hartmannella.

genera of archamoebae live in freshwater habitats and are unusual among amoebae in possessing flagella.

If two amoebae of different mating types are present in a dark and wet environment, they.

celestite (SrSO₄), or calcite (CaCO₃), is what differentiates it from the amoebae.

fungi and of microscopic soil animals such as nematodes, rotifers and amoebae.

Amoebiasis or amoebic dysentery, is an infection caused by any of the amoebae of the Entamoeba genus.

When amoebae inside the bowel of an infected person are ready to leave the body, they.

discoideum is a eukaryote that transitions from a collection of unicellular amoebae into a multicellular slug and then into a fruiting body within its lifetime.

microorganisms such as testate foraminiferans, radiolarians, and testate amoebae.

The euglyphids are a prominent group of filose amoebae that produce shells or tests from siliceous scales, plates, and sometimes spines.

of many synonyms, is a large amoeba related to another genus of giant amoebae, Chaos.

plants although WRKY genes appear present in some diplomonads, social amoebae and other amoebozoa, and fungi incertae sedis.


Amoebida; ameba; endameba; rhizopodan; rhizopod; Amoebina; order Amoebida; order Amoebina;

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