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anaesthetise Meaning in Bengali

anaesthetise's Usage Examples:

This procedure attempts to anaesthetise the inferior alveolar nerve prior to it entering the mandibular foramen.

underwater to prevent trapping air bubbles, and cocaine administered to anaesthetise the eye, but he did however lay the groundwork for later researchers.

After applying local anaesthetic drops to anaesthetise the conjunctiva, a small fold of conjunctiva is lifted off the eyeball.

carries are usually located in its salivary glands (used by mosquitoes to anaesthetise the host).

It has been reported that MIH-affected teeth were more difficult to anaesthetise.

5 hours to anaesthetise 99 flamingos to allow the zoo to identify each animal's sex.

In June 1847 Belisario used ether to anaesthetise a patient; he is believed to be the first person in Australia to do so.

The Doctor realizes that the gas used to anaesthetise the security guards surpasses Earth's current level of technology, and.

by restraining her to the operating table and pretending to locally anaesthetise and cut her arm whilst actually doing it on himself.

She is a gifted chemist and is using the set-up of the washhouse to anaesthetise the miners and distill from them the neurochemicals that enable sleep.

precipitates the strychnine as an insoluble tannate salt, and then to anaesthetise the patient with chloroform until the effects of the strychnine had worn.

interest of fish welfare, a number of New Zealand salmon farming operations anaesthetise salmon before slaughter using Aqui-S™, an organically based anaesthetic.

petroleum ether and 2 parts sulphuric ether ACE mixture was also used to anaesthetise animals, including in preparation for vivisection.

Hua Tuo offers to anaesthetise Guan Yu, but he simply laughs and says that he is not afraid of pain.

grown-up identity, and of course the pain of love, which we all learn to anaesthetise with jobs and mundane worries.

The Wada test, where sodium amobarbital is used to anaesthetise one hemisphere, shows that the left-hemisphere appears to be crucial.

For example, the inferior alveolar nerve block can be used to anaesthetise all the lower teeth.


put under; anaesthetize; block; anesthetise; put out; etherise; anesthetize; cocainize; cocainise; freeze; etherize; dose; drug; chloroform;


synergist; brand-name drug; antagonist; generic drug; bring to;

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