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anopheline Meaning in Bengali

মহাজাতি আনোফেলিস কোন মশা

anopheline's Usage Examples:

Like all mosquitoes, anophelines go through four stages in their life cycles: egg, larva, pupa, and imago.

long as the proboscis are characteristic of anopheline mosquitoes.

Coggeshall collected anopheline larvae in a swamp near Leesburg.

The subgenus Kerteszia are Neotropical anopheline mosquitoes originally described in 1905 by Frederick V.

Giovanni Battista Grassi elucidated the complete transmission from a female anopheline mosquito to humans in 1898.

malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, and discovered that only female anopheline mosquitoes are capable of transmitting the disease.

Curry, A new anopheline mosquito, Anopheles (Chagasia) bathanus Dyar, discovered in the Canal.

"Prevalence of anopheline species and their Plasmodium infection status in epidemic-prone border.

However due to its close resemblance with other anopheline mosquitoes, the systematics was variously changed.

Public Health Service pictorial key for the identification of anopheline mosquito larvae for the national malaria control program (1943), a revision.

potential invaders from India because marshes and forests were infested by anopheline mosquitos that transmitted virulent strains of malaria, especially during.

Nosema algerae, which parasitises anopheline mosquitoes, has been transferred to Brachiola.

vectors of Thailand Revised morphological identification key to the larval anopheline (Diptera: Culicidae) of Sri Lanka The dominant Anopheles vectors of human.

as Romanomermis iyengari has found continued use in the management of anophelines around the world.

Five species of anopheline mosquitoes (An.

It is the only virus whose primary vectors are anopheline mosquitoes (Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae)[citation needed].

It is most common anopheline in most parts of the Indian subcontinent and has a widespread distribution.

anopheline's Meaning':

any mosquito of the genus Anopheles

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