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antedated Meaning in Bengali

 বহু পূর্ব হইতে,

সময় আগে হতে; আরও ফিরে যেতে


প্রকৃত তারিখের পূর্ববর্তী কোনো তারিখ, আরো আগে ঘটা,

antedated's Usage Examples:

banking, antedated refers to cheques which have been written by the drawer, and dated at some point in the past.

In the United States antedated cheques.

that Kull's rebelliousness against stifling old laws and traditions long antedated his becoming King of Valusia, and that he was very much an outsider even.

An antedated contract is a contract whose date is in the past; formally, a contract where the effective date on the contract is prior to the date on which.

relationship to each other; their only common link is that they are held to have antedated the more dominant languages, particularly Tungusic and latterly Turkic.

mammal with putatively tribosphenic teeth; at the time of its discovery it antedated the second oldest example by about 25 million years.

Alexander's Bridge across the Mohawk (see the map) antedated tbe Aqueduct.

multi-campus public university system in New York City, created in 1961; antedated by City College of New York New York University, a private institution.

The date of its construction is unknown, but antedated the settlement in 1886 of nearby Antlers; the earliest grave in its cemetery.

In common with other palos originating in Málaga, the rondeña antedated flamenco proper and became incorporated into it during the 19th century.

It was signed on April 28, but antedated April 11.

aunt, [carrying the epigram "Science is the only interpreter of Nature"] antedated by two years the first edition of Class Book of Botany, by Asa Gray.

the Picornavirales The evolution of picorna-like viruses seems to have antedated the separation of eukaryotes into the extant crown groups.

The earliest version of the temple (a temenos) antedated the Ionic immigration by many years, and dates to the Bronze Age.

other features) that appear in texts that many scholars would consider antedated the period of exile in Babylon.

oldest surviving handwritten documents in Britain (they have since been antedated by the Bloomberg tablets).

Wanderers, or Travellers) band, were named for him, but they had long antedated him.

But it antedated European contact; selling a daughter, if not for cash then for some economic.

It antedated by about two decades the general awakening of organizational activity.

He was commissioned on 1 February 1935, his seniority later being antedated to 4 February 1934.

antedated's Meaning':

be earlier in time; go back further


forgo; antecede; forego; precede; predate;


postdate; predate; chronologize; chronologise; come after;

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