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antibiotic drug Meaning in Bengali


এন্টিবায়োটিক ড্রাগ,

antibiotic drug's Usage Examples:

Doripenem (Doribax, Finibax) is an antibiotic drug in the carbapenem class.

It is a beta-lactam antibiotic drug able to kill Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Ibafloxacin (INN) is a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic drug used in veterinary medicine.

Sarafloxacin (INN) is a quinolone antibiotic drug, which was removed from clinical use by its manufacturer Abbott Laboratories from April 30, 2001.

Ramoplanin (INN) is a glycolipodepsipeptide antibiotic drug derived from strain ATCC 33076 of Actinoplanes.

(marketed by Abbott Laboratories as Omniflox) is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic drug which was withdrawn from sale in the United States shortly after its.

Tiamulin (previously thiamutilin) is a pleuromutilin antibiotic drug that is used in veterinary medicine particularly for pigs and poultry.

magical creature in the fictional Harry Potter universe Doxycycline, an antibiotic drug Doxylamine, an antihistamine drug An abbreviation for Doxygen, a software.

Iclaprim is an antibiotic drug candidate that is active against Gram positive organisms.

the Coptic calendar Tobi!, a 2009 television series Tobramycin, an antibiotic drug that is sold under the brand name "Tobi" Tobi (Naruto), the alias of.

Enviomycin (INN, also called tuberactinomycin N) is an antibiotic drug, isolated from Streptomyces griseoverticillatus var.

Sulfachlorpyridazine (INN, USP) is a sulfonamide antibiotic drug used in poultry farming.

The hospital closed in 1961, due to the antibiotic drug streptomycin that lowered the need for such a hospital.

drug, consisting of the anti-inflammatory drug hydrocortisone and the antibiotic drug oxytetracycline.

for his advances against cholera and his co-invention of the first antibiotic drug Pyocyanase with Oscar Löw in 1890s.

Pyocyanase was the first antibiotic drug to be used in hospitals.

It is useful as an antifungal antibiotic drug for topical as well as systemic mycoses.

in particular make nanoparticles strong candidates as a traditional antibiotic drug alternative.

The potential role of ADEPs in combating antibiotic drug resistance is postulated due to their novel mode of action that other.

Post Antibiotic Effect, the period of time following removal of an antibiotic drug during which there is no growth of the target organism Port Access.


Primaxin; erythromycin; kanamycin; lincomycin; antibacterial drug; Ilosone; pyocyanase; doxycycline; Erythrocin; Garamycin; dihydrostreptomycin; doxorubicin; oxytetracycline hydrochloride; actinomycin; oxytetracycline; subtilin; Azactam; Terramycin; amphotericin; Lincocin; novobiocin; hydroxytetracycline; streptothricin; Chloromycetin; E-Mycin; Kafocin; neomycin; Cipro; antimycin; bactericide; Vibramycin; antibacterial; Mefoxin; Vancocin; cephalosporin; polymyxin; aztreonam; cycloserine; penicillin; vancomycin; Kantrex; Nystan; tyrothricin; gramicidin; Pediamycin; tobramycin; antibiotic; cephaloridine; chloramphenicol; tyrocidin; ciprofloxacin; mycomycin; spectinomycin; pyocyanin; Neobiotic; cephaloglycin; tyrocidine; Ethril; streptomycin; Mycostatin; fradicin; viomycin; gentamicin; carbomycin; mitomycin; Mutamycin; nystatin; Nebcin; bacitracin; Viocin; Aureomycin; chlortetracycline; antineoplastic antibiotic;


unaddicted; free; independent; unconditional; unsupported;

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