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antibiotics Meaning in Bengali

 জীবাণু প্রতিরোধী পদার্থ,


জীবাণু-প্রতিরোধী পদার্থ, জীবাণুরোধক, জীবাণুধ্বংসী,

antibiotics শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

'ওয়ালটন' ব্যক্তিগত সুরক্ষামূলক সামগ্রী ও জীবাণুরোধক (স্যানিটাইজার) তৈরি করে বিনামূল্যে বিতরণ করতে শুরু করতে যাচ্ছে ।

নিরাময়মূলক ঔষধ (ইংরেজি: Broad-spectrum therapeutic) বলতে একধরনের সক্রিয় জীবাণুরোধক পদার্থ বা ঔষধকে বোঝায় যা একাধিক ধরনের রোগসৃষ্টিকারী জীবাণুর বিরুদ্ধে ।

antibiotics's Usage Examples:

A limited number of antibiotics also possess antiprotozoal activity.

Penicillins (P, PCN or PEN) are a group of antibiotics originally obtained from Penicillium moulds, principally P.

includes taking antibiotics only when prescribed by a doctor.

Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are preferred over broad-spectrum antibiotics when possible,.

Giving antibiotics to people with significant exposure to certain types of meningitis may.

The overall incidence of adverse drug reactions to sulfa antibiotics is approximately 3%, close to penicillin; hence medications containing.

Pneumonia believed to be due to bacteria is treated with antibiotics.

with a short course of antibiotics such as nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.

Resistance to many of the antibiotics used to treat this condition.

/ˌsɛfələˈspɔːrɪn, ˌkɛ-, -loʊ-/) are a class of β-lactam antibiotics originally derived from the fungus Acremonium, which was previously known.

If infected, treatment is with antibiotics and supportive care.

Typically antibiotics include a combination of gentamicin and a fluoroquinolone.

important medical challenge, as their outer membrane protects them from many antibiotics (including penicillin); detergents that would normally damage the peptidoglycans.

Nearly all quinolone antibiotics in use are fluoroquinolones, which contain a fluorine atom in their chemical.

β-lactam antibiotics (beta-lactam antibiotics) are antibiotics that contain a beta-lactam ring in their molecular structure.

For mild diverticulitis, antibiotics by mouth and a liquid diet are recommended.

For severe cases, intravenous antibiotics, hospital admission, and complete.

The disease is treatable with antibiotics, which prevent most complications.

Aminoglycoside antibiotics display bactericidal activity against Gram-negative aerobes and some.

Macrolide antibiotics do so by binding reversibly to the P site on the 50S subunit of the bacterial.

fourfold and thus is only recommended when other antibiotics are not appropriate.

Alternative antibiotics may be recommended as a result.

In those in whom antibiotics are used, either amoxicillin or amoxicillin/clavulanate is recommended.

This class of antibiotics is usually reserved for known or suspected multidrug-resistant (MDR).

There appears to be some benefit from also using antibiotics.


antineoplastic antibiotic; chlortetracycline; Aureomycin; Viocin; bacitracin; Nebcin; nystatin; Mutamycin; mitomycin; carbomycin; gentamicin; viomycin; fradicin; Mycostatin; streptomycin; Ethril; tyrocidine; cephaloglycin; Neobiotic; pyocyanin; spectinomycin; mycomycin; ciprofloxacin; tyrocidin; chloramphenicol; cephaloridine; tobramycin; Pediamycin; gramicidin; tyrothricin; Nystan; Kantrex; vancomycin; penicillin; cycloserine; aztreonam; antibiotic drug; polymyxin; cephalosporin; Vancocin; Mefoxin; antibacterial; Vibramycin; bactericide; antimycin; Cipro; neomycin; Kafocin; E-Mycin; Chloromycetin; streptothricin; hydroxytetracycline; novobiocin; Lincocin; amphotericin; Terramycin; Azactam; subtilin; oxytetracycline; actinomycin; oxytetracycline hydrochloride; doxorubicin; dihydrostreptomycin; Garamycin; Erythrocin; doxycycline; pyocyanase; Ilosone; antibacterial drug; lincomycin; kanamycin; erythromycin; Primaxin;

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