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antitussives Meaning in Bengali

কোনো দমন বা উপশম কাশি করতে ব্যবহৃত ঔষধ

antitussives's Usage Examples:

sedation, euphoria, habituation, or respiratory depression, unlike narcotic antitussives such as codeine.

constipation or respiratory depression which can be produced by opioid antitussives such as codeine and its derivatives.

Like codeine and other antitussives, it relieves the symptom, but does not heal the illness.

"Centrally acting non-narcotic antitussives prevent hyperactivity in mice: Involvement of GIRK channels".

antitussives's Meaning':

any medicine used to suppress or relieve coughing


medication; medicine; medicinal drug; codeine; medicament;


over-the-counter drug; prescription medicine; prescription drug; over-the-counter medicine;

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