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backslash Meaning in Bengali



backslash শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

"mysqli->real_escape_string("password)); "mysqli->query("query); এই ফাংশনটি অক্ষরের আগে ব্যাকস্ল্যাশ শুরুতে যোগ করে:\x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a ।

ব্যাকস্ল্যাশ লিনাক্স (ইংরেজি: BackSlash Linux) কুমার প্রেয়াশ কর্তৃক ভারতে নির্মিত উবুন্টু ও ডেবিয়ান-ভিত্তিক অপারেটিং সিস্টেম ।

(asterisk) ৮ (8+56) * (*+42) 9 ( ৯ (9+57) ( ()+40) 0 ) ০ (0+48) ) ()+41) \ (ব্যাকস্ল্যাশ) | (উল্লম্ব দণ্ড) ৎ (\+114) ঃ (|+116) প্রচলিত রোমান কী বিজয় ম্যাপিং ।

ব্যাকস্ল্যাশ ভারতে উন্নয়নকৃত এ ফ্রি অপারেটিং সিস্টেমের প্রত্যাকটি সংস্করণ ডিজনির ।

সংস্করণে, কোড পাতা ৯৩২ অক্ষর এনকোডিংয়ে ইয়েন চিহ্নের বাইটের মান অ্যাসকিতে ব্যাকস্ল্যাশ মানের সমান ।

(U+09AA) ফ (U+09AB) [ { ে (U+09C7) ৈ (U+09C8) ] } ো (U+09CB) ৌ (U+09CC) \ (ব্যাকস্ল্যাশ) | (উল্লম্ব দণ্ড) ZWNJ (U+200C) ॥ (U+0965) প্রচলিত রোমান কী প্রভাত ম্যাপিং ।

backslash's Usage Examples:

The backslash \ is a typographical mark used mainly in computing and is the mirror image of the common slash /.

US-ASCII and consequently many early systems reassigned 5C (allocated to the backslash (\) in ASCII) to the yen sign.

represent the backslash character itself, \\ can be used, whereby the first backslash indicates an escape and the second specifies that a backslash is being.

pound sign (£), 0xFD is mapped to the not sign (¬), 0xFE is mapped to the backslash (\) and 0xFF is mapped to the tilde (~).

JavaScript uses the \ (backslash) as an escape character for: \' single quote \" double quote \\ backslash \n new line \r carriage return \t.

646-JP / the Roman half of JIS X 0201, in that it replaces the ASCII backslash 0x5C (rather than the ASCII dollar sign 0x24 as in GB 1988 / ISO 646-CN).

at 0x24 and a Yen sign at 0x5C) rather than on the ISO 646 IRV (with a backslash at 0x5C and, at the time, a universal currency sign (¤) at 0x24).

type N P ∖ S {\displaystyle NP\backslash S} , and transitive verbs the type ( N P ∖ S ) / N P {\displaystyle (NP\backslash S)/NP} .

L^{2}(\Gamma \backslash G,k):=\left\{\phi \in L^{2}(\Gamma \backslash G)\mid \phi (xk_{\theta })=e^{ik\theta }F(x)\forall x\in \Gamma \backslash G\forall \theta.

∖ Z B < {\displaystyle {\dfrac {\beta :Y\backslash Z\qquad \alpha :X\backslash Y}{\beta \alpha :X\backslash Z}}B_{<}} The type-raising combinators, often.

not ibm-943_P130-1999, and using different mapping for the double byte backslash.

commonly this is backslash; in addition to other characters, a key point is that backslash itself can be encoded as a double backslash \\ and for delimited.

{\displaystyle (x\backslash y)\cdot (u\backslash v)=x\backslash (y/u\cdot v)=(u/y\cdot x)\backslash v} , e = x ∖ x {\displaystyle e=x\backslash x} , ( x ∖ y.

x_{3})\cdot (y_{1},y_{2},y_{3})=(y_{3}/x_{2},y_{1}\backslash x_{3},x_{1}y_{2})=(x_{2}//y_{3},x_{3}\backslash \backslash y_{1},x_{1}y_{2}),} where "//" and "\\" are.

In addition to the standard formats, %b causes printf to expand backslash escape sequences (for example \n for newline), and %q outputs an item.

position 0x5C (backslash) is also used for the won sign.

In Korean versions of Windows, many fonts (including system fonts) display the backslash character.

The delimiting character is most commonly the slash ("/"), the backslash character ("\"), or colon (":"), though some operating systems may use.

expressions, there are 14 metacharacters that must be escaped (preceded by a backslash (\)) in order to drop their special meaning and be treated literally inside.

A slash in the reverse direction \ is known as a backslash.

backslash's Meaning in Other Sites