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basidiomycetes Meaning in Bengali

উপবিভাগ Basidiomycota বিভিন্ন ছত্রাক কোন

basidiomycetes's Usage Examples:

while in others some cells develop into sterile cells called cystidia (basidiomycetes) or paraphyses (ascomycetes).

a useful micromorphological characteristic in the identification of basidiomycetes.

erstwhile class, now understood to be a polyphyletic assemblage of basidiomycetes, refers to fungi with fruit bodies whose hymenophore develops in an.

family of basidiomycete fungi and include the genus Agaricus, as well as basidiomycetes previously classified in the families Tulostomataceae, Lepiotaceae,.

the evolution of fruiting body forms in basidiomycetes.

Traditionally, the classification of basidiomycetes placed significant emphasis on readily observable.

The apparent reason that various basidiomycetes have evolved gills is that it is the most effective means of increasing.

Witch-broom disease, caused by phytoplasmas or basidiomycetes, is economically important in a number of crop plants, including the.

Within the cells of some members of basidiomycetes fungi are found microscopic structures called parenthesomes or septal pore caps.

The smuts are grouped with the other basidiomycetes because of their commonalities concerning sexual reproduction.

They are a morphological group of basidiomycetes-like gilled mushrooms and hydnoid fungi, and not all polypores are closely.

Geastrales is an order of gasterocarpic basidiomycetes (fungi) that are related to Cantharellales.

genus Palaeancistrus, has hyphae that compare with extant saprophytic basidiomycetes.

basidiomycetes's Meaning':

any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota


Heterobasidiomycetes; subclass Heterobasidiomycetes; Homobasidiomycetes; Auriculariales; Uredinales; subdivision Basidiomycotina; subdivision Basidiomycota; Basidiomycotina; subclass Homobasidiomycetes; order Tremellales; basidiomycete; Basidiomycota; order Auriculariales; Tremellales; class Basidiomycetes; class; order Uredinales; basidiomycetous fungi;



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