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batmen Meaning in Bengali


সেনাপতির অনুচর সৈন্য, সেনাপতির পরিচারক,

batmen's Usage Examples:

All pages with titles containing batman All pages with titles containing batmen List of DC Comics characters named Batman, other superheroes who adopted.

However, in the 1960s there were still batmen in the French Army.

staff officers, as well as supporting personnel such as clerks, drivers and batmen.

Pearson does as he is told and discovers that his boss is also one of the "batmen".

aides-de-camp of the Emperor, who have their own aides-de-camp; the 12 batmen of the Emperor, usually officers; the Emperor's Cabinet; the Private Secretariat;.

(Rechnungshilfsarbeiter, Korporalsrang) one gunsmith (Büchsenmacher) 21 officers' batmen (Offiziersdiener) Regimental band one bandmaster (field officer) (Stabsführer).

First World War in which Tolkien had served as an officer, with different batmen at different times.

it is helpful to know that Tolkien liked ordinary working men, like the batmen who served officers in the First World War trenches.


attender; attendant; tender;


underbid; outbid; inedible; tough;

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