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befog Meaning in Bengali

 কুয়াশায় ঢাকিয়া ফেলা


গুলিয়ে দেত্তয়া, কুজ্ঝটিকাচ্ছন্ন করা,

befog's Usage Examples:

to befog and confuse the issue", for example when talking about democracy under capitalism.

to suppress believers, and then actively used the artistic of Baroque to befog the minds of the believers and convince these believers.

profusion in the literary and pictorial ‘output’ which has a tendency to befog the intellect and lower the standards of taste.

problems, and when explaining new ideas to him, one quickly learned not to befog the issue by writing down the differential equation that might appear to.

I object to the teaching of slogans intended to befog the mind, of whatever kind they may be.


haze over; mist; cloud; fog; overshadow; obscure; becloud; conceal; hide; obnubilate;


connected; comprehensible; demystify; unveil; show;

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