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befuddling Meaning in Bengali

 হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিমুঢ় করা, বেসামাল করা, বেহেড করা,

befuddling's Usage Examples:

coach George Allen came up with a new zone defense against the pass, befuddling opponents.

superficial" and "exhausting" to read, while the Georgia Straight called it "a befuddling piece of dreckitude" and evidence that Banks is "certifiably batty.

family history, confusing disputes between her and Ashikaga Yoshimasa, and befuddling love scenes as the reasons why the drama failed.

every impressive set piece and “wow” moment in combat, there are a dozen befuddling rules or mechanics that make you scratch your head in disbelief.

"Potpourri", and "Famous Accordion Players", all of which contain a series of befuddling and nearly-impossible clues.

Supreme Court opinion from 1935, Justice Fowler referred to it as "that befuddling, nameless thing, that Janus-faced verbal monstrosity, neither word nor.

set up in a shotgun formation and ran the ball himself for 15 yards, befuddling the Vikings defense in a play that eventually led to a Jets victory.

he gets his loan, but the loaner underestimates Woody's capacity for befuddling anyone.

accidentally taps into his precognitive ability and paints a picture, befuddling Caitlin in the process.

again I struggled to keep a constant connection to Nicholas McCarthy's befuddling screenplay, packed with exciting ideas and bright moments of sheer terror.

Jackson's reputation for lightning movements and surprise attacks, befuddling his enemies, owes much to Hotchkiss's cartography.

USA Today, Claudia Puig described The Lake House as "one of the more befuddling movies of recent years.

Erickson, was well renowned for its ability to score and score effectively, befuddling opposing defenses.

expressed a dissenting opinion, calling the album "alternately audacious and befuddling.

According to Hyper, "Queen of confusion, Jun has the most befuddling attacks of any character" in Tekken 2.


disorient; discombobulate; fuddle; perplex; demoralize; be; stick; gravel; stupefy; confuse; throw; nonplus; beat; put off; puzzle; vex; get; bedevil; flurry; pose; fox; mystify; disconcert; dumbfound; disorientate; confound; flummox; amaze; bewilder; baffle;


undeceive; disarrange; deglycerolize; demystify; orient;

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