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bestriding Meaning in Bengali

 দুই পা ফাঁক করিয়া বসা, দুই পা ফাঁক করিয়া দাঁড়ান, দুই পা ফাঁক করিয়া আরোহণ করা,

এর পিছনে উঠে


দুই পা ফাঁক করিয়া আরোহণ করা, দুই পা ফাঁক করিয়া দাঁড়ান, দুই পা ফাঁক করিয়া বসা,

bestriding's Usage Examples:

Highway 300 amidst the northeastern foothills of the Ouachita Mountains bestriding Wye Mountain and Kryer Mountain.

Debilly (Debilly Footbridge) is a through arch bridge situated in Paris bestriding the Seine.

is now at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and shows a triumphant figure bestriding a very small lion that rears up to look at him.

Now Brennan was out, having traded world-bestriding power for a handful of gigs: adviser on world events for clients of Kissinger.

Gilbert Cecil Rhodes bestriding Africa.

group of European architects announced plans to build a modern Colossus bestriding two piers at the harbour entrance, despite a preponderance of evidence.

bungling with the English language) and immediately becomes a pundit, bestriding the Atlantic with his cultural messages.

As George Dennis described it: It is verily a magnificent structure, bestriding the rocky abyss like a colossus, with the Fiora fretting and foaming at.

[…] their fourth live DVD finds them bestriding the live pop experience in high heels.

outsider introspection, family connections, love and tangential inspiration, bestriding the continents in search of the answers to the keys questions, it's a.

recorded as leading the hunt, such as "Wuotan, Huckelbernd, Berholt, bestriding their white war-horse, armed and spurred, appear still as supreme directors.

He reveals himself to be an all-conquering global statesman riding and bestriding 20th century history, and an incomparable lover and erotic artiste besides.

I visited Fu Yue, bestriding a dragon, Joined up in marriage with the Weaving Maiden, Lifted up Heaven's.

I visited Fu Yue, bestriding a dragon, Joined in marriage with the Weaving Maiden, Lifted up Heaven's.

The Finnish area of Lapland, bestriding the Arctic Circle, is sparsely developed, with little daylight and persistent.

‘autobiography' by Farouk, depicting him as a towering global statesman bestriding 20th century history, and an incomparable erotic artiste besides.

Catholic priest above him pointing to the heavens, and an anglicized vaquero bestriding the scene in triumph.

namely a naked man, bearded Proper, crowned with an antique crown Vert, bestriding a dolphin naiant Or, finned Gules, in waves of the sea Argent and Azure.

bestriding's Meaning':

get up on the back of


move; remount; jump on; climb on; mount up; hop on; mount; get on;


stand still; hop out; rise; recede; ascend;

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