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blameable Meaning in Bengali




blameable's Usage Examples:

following states (dhammā): wholesome and unwholesome (kusalā-akusalā); blameable and blameless (sāvajjā-anavajjā); inferior and superior (hīna-paṇītā);.

had acted with a 'piratical intention', though his conduct was 'highly blameable'; the prizes, with other loot, were confiscated and sold for £5054.

and neighbourhood stand to one another, and for which both parties are blameable, I can express no other opinion, than that the Government ought not to.

However, the board found Blake blameable for having sailed west after dark at too high a speed and for failing.

pronounces characters and actions amiable or odious, praise-worthy or blameable.

There must, in fact, be culpability or something blameable in the prisoner to warrant the grand jury in finding a true bill The grand.

generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity in useless or blameable distrust.

to, impute to us and eternally condemn us for that of which we are not blameable.

affair; Gunby was the sole cause of the defeat; and I found him much more blameable afterwards, than I represented him in my public letters.

But upon the whole I do not think she has been guilty of any blameable negligence, any crassa negligentia, to make her answerable in this Court.


guilty; blameful; culpable; censurable; blamable; blameworthy;


cleared; unashamed; exculpatory; righteous; innocent;

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