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blindfold Meaning in Bengali

 চোখ বাধা


বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা, ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া, ঠকান, বঁচনা করা, প্রবঁচনা করা, প্রতারণা করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিপথচালিত করা, চক্ষু বান্ধিয়া দেত্তয়া,


বেপরোয়াভাবে, চোখ-বাঁধা অবস্থায়, বেপরোয়া, চোখ-বাঁধা অবস্থাযুক্ত, না তাকাইয়া, তাকাইতে হয় না এমন, অবিবেকী, অজ্ঞানান্ধ, দেখিতে অপারগ,

blindfold's Usage Examples:

fitted blindfold prevents sight even if the eyes are open, a poorly tied or trick blindfold may let the wearer see around or even through the blindfold.

Her attributes are a blindfold, a beam balance, and a sword.

She sternly instructs them to not remove their blindfolds, or they will die.

Koltanowski set the world's blindfold record on 20 September 1937, in Edinburgh, by playing 34 chess games simultaneously while blindfolded, making headline news.

Pillsbury was a very strong blindfold chess player, and could play checkers and chess simultaneously while playing.

victories behind him, and popularised chess by giving simultaneous and blindfold displays around the country.

is considered to be one of the best blindfold chess players in the world.

He has confirmed that status in blindfold sections of Amber Melody tournaments:.

Conversely, blindfolds are a form of eyewear used to block vision for a variety of purposes.


blind; blindfolded; unsighted;


artifact; unmask;

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