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botnet Meaning in Bengali



botnet শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পরবর্তীতে একটি রিপোর্ট করা হয় যে অরবিট ডাউনলোডারের ৪.১.১.১৫ ভারশনে একটি বটনেট-যুক্ত আছে যা এটির ব্যবহারকারীর অজ্ঞাতে একটি ডিডস (ডেনিয়েল ওফ সার্ভিস) এট্যাক ।

বটনেট ব্যবহার করে ডিস্ট্রিবিউটেড ডিনায়েল অব ।

"বটনেট" হল যখন একজন ব্যবহারকারী অনেকগুলি ইন্টারনেট যুক্ত যন্ত্র(Device) ব্যবহার করে বিভিন্ন ধরনের কাজ করে ।

এধরনের মেশিনগুলোকে প্রায়শই ডাকা হয় বটনেট বলে এবং স্প্যাম প্রেরণকারীদের দ্বারা বহুল ব্যবহৃত যা তারা ইমেইলে পাঠায় ।

বটনেট ফেসবুক বট টুইটার বট সামাজিক বট রোবট দুনহাম, কিন; মেলনিক, জিম (২০০৮) ।

 কালো বাজারকে অনুসরন করে, যেখানে অন্যান্য পৃথক সাইটে সর্বোচ্চ ট্রাফিক ছিল বটনেট অপারেশন বিষয়ক (সংযুক্ত মেট্রিক দেখুন) ।

botnet's Usage Examples:

A botnet is a number of Internet-connected devices, each of which is running one or more bots.

operating SpyEye (a bot functionally similar to ZeuS) botnets, and suspected of also operating ZeuS botnets.

(computer worm) Botnet Conficker Gameover ZeuS Regin (malware) Rustock botnet Srizbi botnet Storm botnet Trojan.

DNSChanger ZeroAccess botnet Zeus (malware).

malware on an infected machine from a botnet while remaining hidden using rootkit techniques.

The ZeroAccess botnet was discovered at least around May 2011.

of a botnet in large-scale network attacks.

The Mirai botnet was first.

The Metulji botnet, discovered in June 2011, is a botnet mainly involved in cyberscamming and denial of service attacks.

Before the botnet itself was dismantled.

The Kelihos botnet, also known as Hlux, is a botnet mainly involved in spamming and the theft of bitcoins.

The Kelihos botnet was first discovered around.

Storm botnet or Storm worm botnet (also known as Dorf botnet and Ecard malware) is a remotely controlled network of "zombie" computers (or "botnet") that.

GameOverZeus is a peer-to-peer botnet based on components from the earlier ZeuS trojan.

The Mariposa botnet, discovered December 2008, is a botnet mainly involved in cyberscamming and denial-of-service attacks.

Before the botnet itself was.

The Grum botnet, also known by its alias Tedroo and Reddyb, was a botnet mostly involved in sending pharmaceutical spam e-mails.

The Carna botnet was a botnet of 420,000 devices created by an anonymous hacker to measure the extent of the Internet in what the creator called the “Internet.

The DCU has taken down many major botnets such as the Citadel, Rustock, and Zeus.

The Asprox botnet (discovered around 2008), also known by its aliases Badsrc and Aseljo, is a botnet mostly involved in phishing scams and performing.

The Rustock botnet was a botnet that operated from around 2006 until March 2011.

The Kraken botnet is a network hacking spyware program that attacks Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh systems through email and World Wide Web sites.

Torpig, also known as Anserin or Sinowal is a type of botnet spread through systems compromised by the Mebroot rootkit by a variety of trojan horses for.

worm) Botnet Malware E-mail spam Internet crime Internet security McColo Operation: Bot Roast Srizbi botnet Alureon Conficker Gameover ZeuS Storm botnet Rustock.

propagated via infected email attachments, and via an existing Gameover ZeuS botnet.

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