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bracketing Meaning in Bengali

 তাকের উপরে রাখা, বন্ধনী দেত্তয়া, একত্রে স্থাপন করা, সমভাবে স্থাপন করা,


বন্ধনী-চিহ্ন, দেত্তয়ালাগার, নাগদণ্ড, প্রলম্বিত আলম্ব,


সমভাবে স্থাপন করা, একত্রে স্থাপন করা, বন্ধনী দেত্তয়া, তাকের উপরে রাখা,

bracketing শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পুরো কোরআন একটি মাত্র অধ্যায় হবে... আমরা দেখি যে, এক গুচ্ছ আয়াত একত্রে স্থাপন করা হয়েছে এবং তার চারপাশে প্রাচীর স্থাপন করে যেভাবে একটি শহর নির্মিত ।

bracketing's Usage Examples:

photography, bracketing is the general technique of taking several shots of the same subject using different camera settings.

Phylogenetic bracketing is a method of inference used in biological sciences.

1080p for slow motion video Eterna film simulation mode Automatic focus bracketing function F-Log Gamma video mode at 4:2:2 10 bit via HDMI "Fujifilm releases.

Magnesium alloy front panel Focus-bracketing Post Focus image (developed by 4K movie) Combined Image stabilization.

In terms of bracketing modes, it adds depth of field and shutter speed bracketing.

the camera settings between each shot, this is simply called bracketing.

The bracketing is typically for one specific parameter: Exposure autobracketing.

Google updated their exposure bracketing algorithm for HDR+.

modes Single point, Zone, Wide/Tracking Focus areas 91 focus point Focus bracketing Auto, Manual Exposure/metering Exposure TTL 256-zones metering Exposure.

point Exposure/metering Exposure TTL 256-zone metering Exposure bracketing AE Bracketing Exposure modes Program, Aperture Priority, Shutter Speed Priority.

The D3200 does not have automatic exposure bracketing.

Focus areas 91 focus point Focus bracketing Auto, Manual Exposure/metering Exposure TTL 256-zone metering Exposure bracketing -5.

Preserving the bracketing and ensuring that the solution estimates lie in the interior of the bracketing intervals guarantees that the.

5 points Focus bracketing none Exposure/metering Exposure metering TTL, full aperture, zones Flash Flash Canon hotshoe Flash bracketing none Shutter Shutter.

modes Single point, Zone, Wide/Tracking Focus areas 91 focus point Focus bracketing Interval, Number of shots, 10 step Exposure/metering Exposure TTL 256-zones.

Focus areas 91 focus point Focus bracketing Auto, Manual Exposure/metering Exposure TTL 256-zone metering Exposure bracketing -3.

bracketed as [un+[event+ful]], and the bracketing [[un+event]+ful] leads to completely different semantics.

Re-bracketing is the process of seeing the same.


punctuation; angle bracket; punctuation mark;


take; disagree; disapprove; disprove;

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