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break in Meaning in Bengali

 হুড়মুড় করিয়া প্রবেশ করা, সহসা প্রবেশ করা,

break in's Usage Examples:

affected following a break in the skin.

For facial infections, a break in the skin beforehand.

An ulcer is a discontinuity or break in a bodily membrane that impedes normal function of the affected organ.

planet or moon, where lava, pyroclastics and volcanic gases erupt through a break in the surface called a vent.

a maximum, a 147, or orally, a one-four-seven) is the highest possible break in a single frame of snooker.

mechanism most commonly involves a break in the retina that then allows the fluid in the eye to get behind the retina.

A break in the retina can occur from a.

the seasons usually last from late summer to the end of spring with a break in the winter.

competitions at clubs throughout New England, culminating in his first real break in 2001 when he was cast by Judd Apatow for a recurring role on the TV series.

break in late September or in October.

Purim: three-day break, the break in late February or early March.

Yom Ha'atzmaut: one-day break, the break in.

"Information driven" For the Oracle Database: "Can't break it, can't break in" and "Unbreakable" Enabling the Information Age Enabling the Information.

deposition of the younger layer, but the term is used to describe any break in the sedimentary geologic record.

At the start of James' reign there was little stylistic break in architecture, as Elizabethan trends continued their development.

linear regression models, the Chow test is often used to test for a single break in mean at a known time period K for K ∈ [1,T].

to compile a maximum break in a World Championship match.

He was the second player, after Davis, to make a televised 147 break in professional competition.

Summer vacation or summer break is a school break in summer between school years and the break in the school academic year.


break short; freeze; terminate; stop; end; hold on; cut short; break off; interrupt; suspend;


begin; awaken; brighten; personalize; occidentalise;

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