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break into pieces Meaning in Bengali

 খণ্ড খণ্ড করা,

break into pieces's Usage Examples:

be stirred quickly, it must not be handled too strongly or it will break into pieces.

be derived from the Sanskrit खण्डन (root खुड्) khaṇḍ, "to divide, break into pieces", which has also been suggested as the root of the term (sugar-)candy.

Arabic verb, 'harasa' (Arabic: هرس‎) which means 'to pound' or 'to break into pieces.

The plane skidded on the runway, causing the fuselage to break into pieces.

the cave and hits the coffin with all his strength, causing it to break into pieces and his bride to come alive.

The released tail may break into pieces, leading to the myth that the lizard can shatter like glass and reassemble.

Shipibo roro [ˈd̠ɹ̠o̽ɾ̠o̽] 'to break into pieces' Pre-stopped.

In this 12-and-a-half-minute film, Pointu and his violin break into pieces that take on a life of their own, dancing to the artist's music.

dissociation peptides collide with a gas within the mass spectrometer and break into pieces at their peptide bonds.

‘go’, ˊtho-ndzo ‘gather’, ˊthe-ji ‘sell’ k-: ˊka-tɵ ‘buy’, ˉko’-ɕa ‘break into pieces’ t-: ˉtu’-rɑ ‘receive’, ˉtə’-tɕa ‘wear (a hat)’ l-: ˉla’-mbo ‘overthrow’.

plastic cellulose nitrate and when dropped shattered but did not break into pieces.

Aylin Atalay ' Candan Erçetin Candan Erçetin 3:50 4 "Parçalandım" I break into pieces Candan Erçetin Alper Erinç ' Candan Erçetin 3:57 5 "Anlatma Sakın".

obey her and the Chaturvedis after learning about Toasty's death break into pieces.

into the room, which causes the gramophone to fall and the record to break into pieces.

Gum Netherlands Maple Leaf Gum with ridges, which made it easy to break into pieces.

also coined the term diffraction, from the Latin diffringere, 'to break into pieces', referring to light breaking up into different directions.

""হিন্দু রাষ্ট্র করার চেষ্টা হলে ভারত টুকরো টুকরো হবে" ["India would break into pieces if it is made a Hindu state]".

to be his zanpakutō, causing it to return to its sealed form and break into pieces.

Fragmented strata slide down into the valleys where they continue to break into pieces due to the relentless sun by day and chill by night.

talking to him, making him miss his cue to break in and consequently break into pieces.


break short; freeze; terminate; stop; end; hold on; cut short; break off; interrupt; suspend;


begin; awaken; brighten; personalize; occidentalise;

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