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brothels Meaning in Bengali

 বেশ্যালয়, খানকিবাড়ি,


খানকিবাড়ি, বেশ্যালয়,

brothels শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

নীল ও লাল রঙ দিয়ে যথাক্রমে অফিসারদের ও অন্যান্য পদের লোকেদের ব্যবহৃত বেশ্যালয় চিহ্নিত করা হত ।

যৌনপল্লি (গণিকালয়, বেশ্যালয়, খানকিপাড়া, পতিতাপল্লি বা পতিতালয় নামেও পরিচিত), হলো পেশাদার যৌনকর্ম পরিচালনার উদ্যেশ্যে ব্যবহৃত কোন বাড়ী, স্থান বা স্থাপনা ।

নিবন্ধ জানাচ্ছে, ব্রিটিশ সৈন্যরা মুম্বাইয়ের মত ভারতের বিভিন্ন শহর জুড়ে বেশ্যালয় তৈরী করতে সাহায্য করেছিল; মুম্বাই এখন শিশু পতিতাবৃত্তির অন্যতম স্থান, ।

brothels's Usage Examples:

Part of the discussion impacts on whether the operation of brothels should be legal, and if so, to what sort of regulations they should be.

In World War II, Nazi Germany established brothels in the concentration camps (Lagerbordell) to create an incentive for prisoners to collaborate, although.

Military brothels (German: Militärbordelle) were set up by Nazi Germany during World War II throughout much of occupied Europe for the use of Wehrmacht.

(which contains Reno) ban brothels.

The other counties permit brothels, but some of them do not currently have any active brothels.

Strictly regulated brothels operate legally in mainly isolated rural areas, away from the majority.

He was best known as the owner of seven legal brothels in Nevada.

Several of his brothels are in Moundhouse, Nevada, a few minutes outside Carson.

000 young women were kidnapped by Japanese soldiers to serve in military brothels.

The State of Nevada shut down all brothels in March 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

red-light district originates from the red lights that were used as signs for brothels.

enforced, with some reports of police forces turning a blind eye to brothels.

Many brothels in cities such as Manchester, London and Cardiff operate under.

brothels in Crystal, Nevada.

Both brothels in.

regulated brothels – the terms of which are stipulated in the Nevada Revised Statutes.

Only eight counties currently contain active brothels.

There are, however, many brothels illegally operating in Indian cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and.

Unlike other brothels in the state, it styles itself as a resort, with upscale rooms and furnishings.

at the south end of Kit Kat Drive, which also is the home to two other brothels owned by Hof: The Love Ranch and the Sagebrush Ranch.

first licensed brothel in 1971, eventually leading to the legalization of brothels prostitution in 10 of 17 counties in the state.

the south end of Kit Kat Drive, which also is the home to two competing brothels: The Love Ranch and the Kit Kat Guest Ranch.

prostitution itself, but not most forms of procuring (such as operating brothels, facilitating the prostitution of another, deriving financial gain from.


whorehouse; bawdyhouse; bagnio; house of prostitution; sporting house; bordello; edifice; cathouse; building; house of ill repute; massage parlor;



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