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buries Meaning in Bengali

 সমাহিত করা, নিবিষ্ট করা, পুঁতা, লুকাইয়া রাখা, মৃত্তিকাগর্ভে স্থাপন করা, গোর দেত্তয়া, কবর দেত্তয়া, স্মৃতি হইতে মুছিয়া ফেলা, মাটি দেত্তয়া,


গোর দেত্তয়া, মাটি দেত্তয়া, স্মৃতি হইতে মুছিয়া ফেলা, কবর দেত্তয়া, মৃত্তিকাগর্ভে স্থাপন করা, লুকাইয়া রাখা, পুঁতা, নিবিষ্ট করা, সমাহিত করা,

buries's Usage Examples:

opposition is "buried", similar to the way in which a geological landslide buries whatever is in its path.

When he discovers that she has conceived, Barṣīṣā kills her and buries her body to hide evidence of his sin.

A sedimentary deposit that buries the contact of the terrane with adjacent rock is called an overlap formation.

Like other members of its genus, the turtle buries itself in the mud when the streams run dry, a behaviour possibly parallel.

It is found in areas with aquatic vegetation, and it often buries itself among the roots.

Seth finds his father dead, but places this seed under his tongue and then buries him at Golgotha.

metres (160 ft) in depth, where sand or mud is lies around and partially buries rocks, shells, or other objects.

She exhumes the body and buries the head in a pot of basil which she tends obsessively, while pining away.

all war as "civil war" and stating that war only "feeds the rich while it buries the poor".

The Laki Shah Saddar cemetery buries people from pre-historic dynasties to modern age common people of adjacent.

Philippe, the older brother, is a doctoral student in astronomy who buries his feelings in his academic pursuits, while André, the younger brother.

rugosa tends to hide under and between rocks and logs where possible or buries itself in the mud to act as an ambush predator to fish, amphibian, and invertebrate.

Llywelyn is overcome with remorse and buries the dog with great ceremony, but can still hear its dying yelp.

members of its family, the angelshark is a nocturnal ambush predator that buries itself in sediment and waits for passing prey, mostly benthic bony fishes.

30-06 Winchester Model 70 rifle, he buries it and although Ben is disappointed, he agrees that they should pretend.


hide; conceal;


up; soft; show;

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