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bursar Meaning in Bengali



বৃত্তিভোগী ছাত্র, কোষাধ্যক্ষ, খাজাঁচী,

bursar's Usage Examples:

A bursar (derived from "bursa", Latin for purse) is a professional financial administrator in a school or university.

In the United States, bursars usually.

to be bursar) and dreamed of spending the rest of his life quietly adding up rows of figures.

It is now used to house the offices of the bursar and registrar as well as academic classrooms and offices.

1874, preventing the fellows from providing data by appointing himself bursar and removing the accounts to his lodge, writing "insolent replies to the.

Grumpelt was bursar of the New York Public Library until his 1950 retirement.

An appeal to the Pope against the excommunication was made by the bursar of the College, John Ryvell.

He was a senior fellow and bursar of his college, and twice held the lectureship on medicine founded by Linacre.

where he served as bursar.

He was successively dean (1744–1749), bursar (1750–1753), and president of the college (1754–1764).


financial officer; treasurer;

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