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certificate of deposit Meaning in Bengali


আমানতের সনদ পত্র,

certificate of deposit's Usage Examples:

A certificate of deposit (CD) is a time deposit, a financial product commonly sold by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions.

time deposit or term deposit (in the United States also known as a certificate of deposit) is a deposit in a financial institution with a specific maturity.

For example, a customer opening a certificate of deposit account must be provided with information about ladder rates (smaller.

analogous concept used for savings or investment products, such as a certificate of deposit.

It is a specific type of certificate of deposit that is linked to the performance of one or more securities or market.

automated teller machines, interstate banking, the negotiable certificate of deposit, and "pursued the credit card business in a way that no other bank.

(-200)=590} Exp certificate of deposit = 0.

2 × 500 = 500 {\displaystyle {\mbox{Exp}}_{\text{certificate of deposit}}=0.

its demise, Stanford International Bank Limited (SIBL) offered certificate of deposit (CDs) at rates consistently higher than those available from banks.

Other certificates may more closely match the typical rules of a certificate of deposit, allowing the investor to select a term length (typically between.

three months in prison for trying to pass off a forged "200 million certificate of deposit.

pensions, investment products, 401(k)); regular savings account, certificate of deposit, or Individual Retirement Account.

Collateralised debt obligation Credit default swap Time deposit (certificate of deposit) Credit line Deposit Derivative Futures contract Indemnity Insurance.


certificate of indebtedness; CD; debt instrument; time deposit; obligation;


fair; unclassified;

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