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cesspit Meaning in Bengali

 ময়লা জলের পাত্র



cesspit's Usage Examples:

A cesspit (or cesspool or soak pit in some contexts), is a term with various meanings: it is used to describe either an underground holding tank (sealed.

In a former cesspit, he found a roughly square (0.

as a cesspit.

The city had widened the street and the cesspit was lost.

It was common at the time to have a cesspit under most homes.

garderobe was usually a simple hole discharging to the outside into a cesspit (akin to a pit latrine) or the moat (like a fish pond toilet), depending.

Outer Fence 外屏 Pisces 7 A fence to screen off the cesspit of Celestial Pigsty (Tiānhùn) Celestial Pigsty 天溷 Cetus 4 A manure pit.


At the time there were cesspits under.

subsequently alleged that she may still have been alive when dumped in the cesspit.

most programmers will behave very petulantly when asked to dive into a cesspit of ancient, complex, poorly documented and, hackish code, and often this.

houses facing onto a communal courtyard with a shared outhouse (privy), a cesspit, a standpipe, and consequently high rates of infant mortality, typhus and.

The oldest condoms ever excavated were found in a cesspit located in the grounds of Dudley Castle and were made from animal membrane.

concludes, "Rule 34 can be thought of as a kind of indictment of the Web as a cesspit of freaks, geeks, and weirdos, but seen through the lens of cosmopolitanism.

Another 40% of the population are served by cesspit-tank soil-absorption field systems.

Challenge: The gladiators must be the first to cross the cesspit three times, delivering two sandbags and finally their girlfriends.

turned him in (he slays her new lover and throws the woman into a foul cesspit), Conan sneaks into Nabonidus' trap-filled mansion.

describe someone who dug out and removed human excrement from privies and cesspits.

The excavation found a medieval defensive castle ditch, a well with cesspit nearby, a Roman grave with standing stone marker, and possible evidence.

Both the character 氹 and the alternative form 凼 mean cesspit, but are obsolete in modern Chinese, and only used in relation to Taipa.

responsible for 616 cholera deaths because it was contaminated by an old cesspit leaking fecal bacteria.


sink; sump; cesspool; cistern;


natural elevation; source; ascend; float; rise;

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