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collodion Meaning in Bengali

 আঠাল রাসায়নিক পদার্থ,

থার এবং এলকোহল মধ্যে pyroxylin একটি বর্ণহীন দরবিগলিত সমাধান; ক্ষত বা ফোটোগ্রাফিক ছায়াছবি জন্য একটি লেপ হিসাবে ব্যবহার


আঠাল রাসায়নিক পদার্থ,

collodion's Usage Examples:

The collodion process is an early photographic process.

The collodion process, mostly synonymous with the "collodion wet plate process", requires the photographic.

Soluble nitrocellulose, or a solution thereof, is sometimes called collodion.

the term collodion baby applies to newborns who appear to have an extra layer of skin (known as a collodion membrane) that has a collodion-like quality.

“impression”) also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass made by a variant of the wet plate collodion process.

quite laborious and quickly surpassed by the collodion glass plate negative in common use.

The collodion photographic process was a wet place process.

blasting gelatin or simply jelly, is an explosive material consisting of collodion-cotton (a type of nitrocellulose or guncotton) dissolved in either nitroglycerine.

Frederick Scott Archer, assisting him in the early experiments of the wet collodion process.

He is one of the first photographers to use and write about the collodion process, which he claimed to have invented.

photographer and sculptor who is best known for having invented the photographic collodion process which preceded the modern gelatin emulsion.

Japan in 1858 on a commission from Negretti and Zambra, he taught wet-collodion process photography to Horie and others, including his friend Ueno Hikoma.

Sayce, invented the collodion emulsion process of dry-plate photography in 1864.

A collodion bag is a membrane used to filter or concentrate substances, often proteins, using pressure.

perfected his reduction procedures with Frederick Scott Archer’s wet collodion process, developed in 1850–51, but he dismissed his decades-long work.

This was an improvement on the collodion wet-plate process dominant from the 1850s–1880s, which had to be exposed.

collodion's Meaning':

a colorless syrupy solution of pyroxylin in ether and alcohol; used as a coating for wounds or photographic films

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