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compartmentalising Meaning in Bengali

compartmentalising's Usage Examples:

androgen-independent prostate cancer cells and mediates proliferation by compartmentalising cAMP at the plasma membrane of VCaP prostate cancer cells".

his actions: "I thought of Draco as someone who is very capable of compartmentalising his life and his emotions, and always has done.

of regrowth from the cut area and best chance of sealing over and compartmentalising decay.

"It'd be a pointless compartmentalising exercise to still call This Is The Kit a "folk" band".

many points around the perimeter and meet in the center of the city, compartmentalising the remaining defenders into isolated groups incapable of mutual support.

The idea of de compartmentalising is further developed by suspension of different living spaces on a.

Combining all things, not compartmentalising as much, keeping it all like everyday life.

accepts that he will never get closure over Gant's death, but by compartmentalising his memories of her, he will be able to continue being a soldier.

Elverum employs multiple unique production techniques, such as compartmentalising individual notes to separate audio tracks and arranging the tracks.

albums, noting that he "became less concerned on this album [with] compartmentalising every idea to the point where each song became this episode that starts.

Cuprocypatis leylandii 'Leighton's Green') hedging to the house's rear, compartmentalising the rear garden and "home paddock".


compartmentalize; divide; cut up; part; disunite; separate;


associate; attach; stay; join; connect;

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