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complexly Meaning in Bengali

complexly's Usage Examples:

The Elektra chord is a "complexly dissonant signature-chord" and motivic elaboration used by composer Richard Strauss to represent the title character.

the simple songs of Hotan, the dance-oriented music of the Kuqa and the complexly rhythmic songs of the Kashgar.

Ember Ridge is made of a series of steep-sided domes of glassy, complexly jointed, hornblende-phyric basalt with the most recent eruptions during.

With its small quarters, Pelguranna was one of the first complexly built neighborhoods in Tallinn (by architects K.

packages, the dark melanocratic Amitsoq gneiss, which is intruded by and complexly folded into the younger leucocratic Nuuk gneiss.

Its characters are members of a complexly inter-related Anglo-Irish family who differ in their religious affiliations.

The Gunflint Iron Formation is overlain by "brecciated and complexly deformed iron formations", which in turn is overlain by ejecta from the.

Mountains within the belt display complexly folded and faulted layers and the width of the main part of the zone varies.

This roof pendant consists of a 15,000 m- (50,000 ft-) thick sequence of complexly folded and faulted metasedimentary strata and metavolcanic strata.


leuconoid), the spongocoel could be a simple interior space of the sponge or a complexly branched inner structure.

Due to this, it is divided into 11 sub-units which sometimes complexly grade into and intertongue with each other.

The plant usually has complexly branched multiple trunks and grows to a height of about 5 metres, although.

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