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concreteness Meaning in Bengali

concreteness's Usage Examples:

(also known as concretism, hypostatization, or the fallacy of misplaced concreteness) is a fallacy of ambiguity, when an abstraction (abstract belief or hypothetical.

the category of sets (or sometimes to another category, see Relative concreteness below).

There is no general consensus as to what the characteristic marks of concreteness and abstractness are.

article should be about a mathematical object with a fair amount of concreteness.

European Union was published in The Innovation Journal, stating that the "concreteness and sophistication of the TRL scale gradually diminished as its usage.

Giovanni Raboni described Insana's poetic style as "visionary concreteness".

Orwell encourages concreteness and clarity instead of vagueness, and individuality over political conformity.

For concreteness, the electric field is considered in this article, as this is the most.

works are characterized by a strong emphasis on sensibility and the concreteness of experiences and artistic imagery.

particularly in the near-perfect 'Petition,' an elegy for his cat, with a concreteness he did not often find in life.

For concreteness, the discussion and examples in this article will mostly be in terms.

This concreteness limits the extension of the individual interpretations of the original.

bureaucratic rationality, needs to get rid of sensuous materiality, concreteness, and the experience of those things.

For concreteness, suppose there is a set S {\displaystyle S} of consumers and that they.

ontological concepts, like particularity and universality, abstractness and concreteness or possibility and necessity.

Acknowledging the concreteness of materials and colors, the artist, by his own admission, is mostly.


corporality; concrete; materiality; physicalness; corporeality; literalness;


incorporeal; incorporeality; abstractness; immateriality; abstract;

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