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conglomeratic Meaning in Bengali


বিভিন্ন বস্তুর পিণ্ড,

conglomeratic's Usage Examples:

given to a Lower Carboniferous (early Osagean) siltstone, sandstone and conglomeratic unit exposed in east-central Ohio and parts of western West Virginia.

the basal part of a bed is typically coarse-grained and sometimes conglomeratic.

and metamorphic rock fragments, fossiliferous packstones and sandy to conglomeratic beds with high fossil content.

The conglomeratic sandstones and silty mudstones of the formation were deposited in an.

consists of fossiliferous mudstones, siltstones and medium-grained to conglomeratic fossiliferous lithic to quartzitic sandstones.

strata overlying the Green River Formation and was composed of coarse, conglomeratic sandstones, passing up into finer-grained sandstones and calcareous.

Upper Cretaceous (Santonian-Early Campanian) chalk, marly chalk and conglomeratic chalk unit exposed throughout the Makhtesh Ramon region of southern.

In places the sandstone may be conglomeratic or ferruginous (rich in iron oxides).

contains beds of massive white, red or purple sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone.

One conglomeratic sandstone layer that lies about 21 m (69 ft) above the.

of about 600–900 meters (2,000–3,000 ft) of red arkosic sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone, siltstone, and shale.

from the type locality of Huabeisaurus, in a fluvially deposited sandy conglomeratic layer in the lower member of the Huiquanpu Formation.

consist of pink and purple Lower Cambrian shallow marine quartzite and conglomeratic quartzite, that are not native to this region of Alberta.

Sutton stone consists of white, conglomeratic limestones with pebbles of black chert (silica) and carboniferous limestones.

The predominantly sandstone and conglomeratic formation, with pink shale beds intercalated, dates to the Paleogene.

Sutton Stone consists of massive, white, conglomeratic limestones with pebbles of black chert (silica) and Carboniferous Limestone.

overlies the Morrison Formation, with the boundary placed at the first conglomeratic sandstone bed.

conglomerates, while the upper third consists of barchanoid shaped lenses of conglomeratic sandstone with ventifacts.

Ice-Contact Stratified Drift, and bedrock consisting of sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone, shale, and coal.

The predominantly conglomeratic sandstone formation with interbedded shales dates to the Late Cretaceous.

alluvial to fluvial environment and the mudstones of the overall sandy and conglomeratic unit have provided fossils of a chelid turtle whose indeterminate remains.

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