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cuirasses Meaning in Bengali

মধ্যযুগীয় শরীর বর্ম বুকে এবং ফিরে জুড়ে



cuirasses শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পারসীয়দের থেকে তারা বিস্তৃত দেহবর্ম (mail), উরস্ত্রাণ(cuirass), শিরস্ত্রাণ, অশ্বারোহী সেনার জন্যে তৈরি ইস্পাতের হাটু-বর্ম ইত্যাদি ।

cuirasses's Usage Examples:

As parts of the actual military equipment of classical antiquity, cuirasses and corsets of bronze, iron, or some other rigid substance were used.

British Army (1st and 2nd Life Guards and Royal Horse Guards) adopted cuirasses shortly after the Napoleonic Wars as a part of their full dress uniforms.

equipped with cuirasses, felt caps with feathers, and capes made of goat-skin.

The Lycians furnished fifty ships; they wore cuirasses and greaves, carrying.

anatomy of muscle cuirasses intended for use might be either realistic or reduced to an abstract design; the fantastically illustrated cuirasses worn by gods.

By the 17th century, many cuirasses either omitted both faulds and tassets altogether, or had large tassets.

recycled pieces of older plate armor, including damaged brigandines and cuirasses cut into small squares.

weapons were two or more pistols and a sword; most Reiters wore helmets and cuirasses and often additional armor for the arms and legs; sometimes they also.

endured by officers, as well as the huge cost of belonging to the unit (the cuirasses, for example, were silverplated at a time when the precious metal was.

the gold cuirasses of noble figures, and the halo of Zeus (folios XXXIV).

never the greaves); etching; work taken from woodcuts; sharply waisted cuirasses, and squared sabatons.

eventually silk lace used to connect the individual scales (kozane) of these cuirasses.

silk lace used to connect the individual scales (kozane) which these cuirasses were now being made from.

In the 17th century the chainmail was gradually replaced by cuirasses.

jingasa made from iron, copper, wood, paper, bamboo, or leather, dō (cuirasses), kabuto (helmets), tatami zukin (armoured hoods), kote (armoured sleeves).

both infantry and cavalry are represented wearing cuirasses constructed of lamellae.

These cuirasses reach from shoulder to waist, and in many instances.

similar uniforms to the French cuirassiers, but were equipped with half-cuirasses and raupenhelm helmets.

cuirasses's Meaning':

medieval body armor that covers the chest and back

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