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cupful Meaning in Bengali

 একবাটি , এককাপ



cupful শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অভিনেতার মুখমন্ডলের ছবির মধ্যে মধ্যে তিনি কিছু অপ্রাসঙ্গিক দৃশ্য গুঁজে দিলেন – একবাটি স্যুপ, ক্রীড়ারত শিশু, কফিনে বৃদ্ধা মহিলা, এইরকম সব দৃশ্য ।

বন্দীরা প্রতিদিন একবাটি ভাত ও তরকারির স্যুপ পেয়ে থাকেন ।

ব্লুবেরি, কাঁচা একবাটি ব্লুবেরি প্রতি ১০০ গ্রাম (৩.৫ আউন্স) পুষ্টিগত মান শক্তি ২৪০ কিজু (৫৭ kcal) শর্করা ১৪.৪৯ গ্রাম চিনি ৯.৯৬ গ্রাম খাদ্যে ফাইবার ২.৪ ।

cupful's Usage Examples:

quantities precisely, instead talking of "a nice leg of spring lamb", a "cupful" of lentils, a piece of butter "the size of a small apricot", and "sufficient".

stepped forward to take the first drink from the fountain a man threw a cupful of what was found to be gin into the water.

After decoction, the herbal tea was taken internally a cupful at a time.

for a particular quantity or measurement of something, such as "drop", "cupful", or "liter".

Ainslie, the root is considered laxative, and is given in dosages of half a cupful twice daily.

which he must first consume a cupful in order to 'break it in'.

Then he passes his cup to his neighbor and pours him a cupful (usually sake, but any alcohol.

The only moisture in the recipe is the creamed butter and "a scant cupful of milk or enough to make a stiff dough about like pie crust".

- To every pint of wine allow 1 large cupful of water, sugar and spice to taste.

" Farmer's systematic discussion of measurement —"A cupful is measured level .

maraschino liqueur shaken with lemon juice and crushed ice and topped with a cupful of flaming rum.

"Bikini-clad baristas serve up more than a cupful, it's an eyeful".

The blood was confirmed to be more than a cupful of Ayla's blood, adjacent to DiPietro's bed.

The final saw him challenged to eat a large cupful of live mealworms (which he managed in three mouthfuls), two fried tarantulas.

Nuggets 5 light bulbs in under 10 minutes 60 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups A cupful of sand Drinking a 20-year-old bottle of Crystal Pepsi A gallon of honey.

vinegar that is blended with the ingredient here is often sanbaizu ("three cupful/spoonful vinegar"), which is a blend of vinegar, mirin, and soy sauce.


containerful; cup;

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