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curable Meaning in Bengali

 প্রতিকার্য, নিরাময়সাধ্য, আরোগ্যসাধ্য,


আরোগ্যসাধ্য, প্রতিকার্য,

curable's Usage Examples:

incurable disease may or may not be a terminal illness; conversely, a curable illness can still result in the patient's death.

Most STIs are treatable or curable; of the most common infections, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis are curable, while herpes, hepatitis.

(tenancy) law (rejected) and a popular initiative "life-long custody for non-curable, extremely dangerous sexual and violent criminals" (approved).

type of UV-curable coating.

UV-curable coatings are.

Advancements in powder coating technology like UV curable powder coatings allow for other materials such as plastics, composites.

Contrary to popular belief, both forms of leprosy are curable, with the lepromatous form classically treated with antibiotics dapsone.

It is a malignant neoplasm and is one of the most treatable and curable cancers, with a survival rate above 95% if discovered in early stages.

Jayakody Sankara Eye Foundation, a US-based non-profit working to eradicate curable blindness in India Sankara, Burkina Faso, a village in Burkina Faso Sankhara.

BSE was once promoted heavily as a means of finding cancer at a more curable stage, but large randomized controlled studies found that it was not effective.

In most instances, these are less severe, and curable with effective antifungal treatment.

million new cases occur each year, out of the 498 million new cases of curable STI – which also includes syphilis, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis.

treatment of syphilis (1940s), the condition was rendered avoidable and curable.

, photo-curable coatings, adhesives and dental restoratives).

In the case of a priest, if the incapacity is temporary or curable, he must appoint a vicar or substitute, not a coadjutor.

The outcome depends on the subtype with some being curable and treatment prolonging survival in most.

alleviate symptoms of the mass effect even if the underlying pathology is not curable.

Leprosy can occur at all ages from infancy to elderly, but is curable in which treatments can avert disabilities.

process of applying a dose of low intensity ultraviolet (UV) light to a UV curable ink (UV ink).

placed an ad in Screw in December 1970, reading: Masochist? Happy? Is it curable? Does psychiatry help? Is a satisfactory life-style possible? There's women's.


tempered; hardened; toughened; treated;


tender; weak; untreated; unprocessed; untempered;

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