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cynical Meaning in Bengali

 বিদ্রূপকারী, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ, রুঢ়প্রকৃতি, অসূয়ক, অসূয়াপূর্ন, অসূয়াপরবশ, কঠোর, দোষৈকদর্শী, মানববিদ্বেষী, নাক সিটকানো,


দোষৈকদর্শী, কঠোর, অসূয়াপরবশ, অসূয়াপূর্ন, অসূয়ক, রুঢ়প্রকৃতি, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ, বিদ্রূপকারী,

cynical শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এর ফলে তাঁর প্রচুর সমালোচনা করা হয়েছিল এবং তাঁকে ঘৃণাপূর্ণ পত্র পাঠানো হয়েছিল ।

cynical's Usage Examples:

2020, "everyday experiences of disrespect elevated cynical beliefs and vice versa.

Moreover, cynical individuals tended to treat others with disrespect.

Rendered cynical by this cycle of violence, the detectives of hardboiled fiction are often.

A so-called "sin-bin" to counter cynical play was introduced for a trial period in hurling, though representatives.

" Dickinson explained that the lyrics are a cynical critique of the financial crisis of 2007–08, comparing the bankers responsible.

rendered more acutely moving when compared with Jonson's other, usually more cynical or mocking, poetry.

Siegel was described by The New York Times as "a director of tough, cynical and forthright action-adventure films whose taut plots centered on individualistic.

He voiced Nick, a cynical, portly rat in Chicken Run (2000).

The comic strip centers on Garfield, portrayed as a lazy, fat, and cynical orange persian/tabby cat.

This is a very different and cynical look at Oz as is seen in the books by L.

and critic Lord Macaulay described the character as "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind.

Most of the Bachman novels were darker and more cynical in nature, featuring a far more visceral sense of horror than the psychological.


misanthropic; distrustful; misanthropical;


unsuspicious; credulous; good-natured; trustful;

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