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cynically Meaning in Bengali

cynically's Usage Examples:

for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders.

including a journalist termed the elections a "tragedy for democracy" and a "cynically frustrated exercise".

To be sardonic is to be disdainfully or cynically humorous, or scornfully mocking.

no means"), revels in his freedom, describing himself humorously and cynically as the "king of the road".

During World War II the phrase was cynically used by the Nazis as a motto displayed over the entrance of Buchenwald.

The government was criticised for misleading the public and cynically "(exploiting) voters' fears of a wave of illegal immigrants by demonising.

needs to be changed to such an extent that a change of language, or more cynically a killing of a language becomes urgent.

Washington Post review was decidedly negative, calling it an "idiotic, inept, cynically exploitative travesty.

return, FDR promised federal dollars for public works in Louisiana, a deal cynically referred to by many as the second Louisiana Purchase.

collection a negative review, stating: This is a job shoddily and, yes, very cynically done.

Eventually she is cynically sacrificed by the French who are aware of her innocence but believe her.

Lady Clarinda Bossnowl (the daughter of an impoverished peer, who is cynically determined to make a financially rewarding marriage).

One of Ochs' biographers cynically suggests that Ochs recorded the songs in order to deduct the cost of his.

The cynically sophisticated screenplay was written by Carl Foreman and Herbert Baker.

The novel depicts the life of a former 'bodgie' as he leaves gaol and cynically searches for purpose in life.

communities which are accused of self-censorship in order to (in their view cynically) garner positive coverage from traditional and established media outlets.

Lauren Hilgers of Wired called him "one of China's most thoughtful- and cynically funny- sci-fi writers.

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