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decemvir Meaning in Bengali

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decemvir's Usage Examples:

Originally these decemvirs were a jury of ten men, serving under the presidency of a magistrate,.

The decemviri or decemvirs (Latin for "ten men") were any of several 10-man commissions established by the Roman Republic.

alongside Titus Genucius Augurinus, and the same year chosen one of the decemvirs, a committee of ten men chosen in the place of consuls to draw up the.

Regillensis, consul in 495 BC Appius Claudius Crassus, consul 471 BC and decemvir in 451 BC Appius Claudius Caecus (PW 91), censor in 312 BC Appius Claudius.

decemvirs assembled the first Ten Tables, to the unanimous approval of the Roman people.

Despite the considerable power that they held, the decemvirs.

writers refer to him as Aulus, assuming that he is the same person as the decemvir of 451 BC, who is called Aulus in the Fasti Capitolini.

Genucius Augurinus was a Roman politician in the 5th century BC, consul and decemvir in 451 BC.

Titus Antonius Merenda was a Roman politician, and decemvir from 450-449 BC.

Augurinus was a Roman politician in the 5th century BC, consul in 458 BC, and decemvir from 450 to 449 BC.

Vaticanus was a Roman politician in the 5th century BC, consul in 455 BC, and decemvir in 451 BC.

Whether or not the decemvir is the same man as the consul of 474 BC remains unknown.

Filiations indicate that he was the son of Marcus Cornelius Maluginensis, decemvir in 450 to 449 BC, and that he himself had at least one son, Publius Cornelius.

Pulvillus, was a Roman politician in the 5th century BC, consul in 453 BC, and decemvir in 451 BC.

Cornutus was a Roman politician in the 5th century BC, consul in 461 BC and decemvir in 451 BC.

was a Roman politician of the 5th century BC, consul in 462 BC and maybe decemvir in 451 BC.

Vaticanus was a Roman politician in the 5th century BC, consul in 452 BC and decemvir in 451 BC.

Quinctius, son of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus Kaeso Duillius Longus, decemvir 450–449 BC Kaeso Fabius, character in 'Roma' by Steven Saylor, pp.

Filiations indicate Cornelius as the son of Marcus Cornelius Maluginensis, decemvir in 450-449 BC, and brother of Aulus Cornelius Cossus, consul in 428 BC.

Lucillus occupied a succession of posts: the junior magistracy of the decemvir stlitibus judicandis; a quaestor; and a praetor, all sponsored by the emperor.

Crassus, the decemvir, and is so described by both Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus.

However, in the Capitoline Fasti, the decemvir is described as.

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