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decentralise Meaning in Bengali

 বিকেন্দ্রীভূত করা, বিকেন্দ্র্রণ করা, কেন্দ্র হইতে অপসৃত করা,


কেন্দ্র হইতে অপসৃত করা, বিকেন্দ্র্রণ করা,

decentralise শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

১৯৯১ সালে শহরের স্থানীয় সরকারকে বিকেন্দ্রীভূত করা হয় পাঁচটি পৌরসভার 'কমিউনেস' এর মধ্যে যেগুলো একজন মেয়র পরিচালনা করে ।

decentralise's Usage Examples:

The districts were created in 2011 in an effort to further decentralise the state, but in practice most of them have not yet begun to function.

was incentivised by the need to revamp the intelligence services, and decentralise power among the security and intelligence institutions in Colombia.

functions from the diocesan to his suffragan or "Area" bishops, in order to decentralise the work of the diocese.

Kutaisi briefly was the seat of the Parliament of Georgia as an effort to decentralise the Georgian government.

Regional centres are meant to decentralise the functions and services of Singapore's Central Area, helping to alleviate.

full-time Branch Library to be built by the National Library in its plan to decentralise home reading services.

secretary general Patterson Oti stated in May 2010 that the party would decentralise development programmes, to empower the provinces.

province of Santa Fe, Argentina are administrative divisions created to decentralise the workings of the municipal government.

Metropolitan Police areas—while area-based policing was designed to decentralise the operations of New Scotland Yard, the TO units were intended to provide.

As an administrator, he opposed excessive centralization and helped decentralise the postal department.

a unified urban area in the north of the country was put forward to decentralise and diversify the economy, and develop a third major urban area, along.

the late 1950s into the 1960s, in accordance with the Greber Plan to decentralise Federal government functions.

During its lifespan, OFCs sought to decentralise and democratise the creation and proliferation of news and information.

It has elicited controversy around its desire to decentralise the conversion process and is associated with the Tzohar network of rabbis.

sanctioned by legislation prohibition of secondary boycotts a move to decentralise the award system through enterprise based bargaining.

Whitlam Governments' National Growth Centre project in an effort to decentralise the population, the corporation role was to manage and develop land with.


alter; modify; federalise; change; deconcentrate; decentralize; federalize;


divide; disunify; centralize; concentrate; centralise;

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