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deceptively Meaning in Bengali

deceptively's Usage Examples:

It features a low, sweeping pitched roof that makes the house look deceptively large, yet it is the second smallest of Iowa's Usonians.

The transparency may be used deceptively with a ballerina style to give the appearance of standing on tiptoe or.

Eicher's deceptively simple aesthetic is unfailingly harmonious.

arrangement and his sister Ella Johnson on vocals—her "delicate and deceptively sweet phrasing was ideally suited to ballads such as this".

refers, by way of a pun on "Plain" as the reverse of "Hills", to the deceptively simple narrative style; and to the fact that many of the stories are.

houses, with doorsteps directly onto the street, internal courtyards and deceptively spacious inside.

It is a deceptively hard programme to present as the presenter needs to read around 30 books.

Its purpose is to be used deceptively as if it were a legitimate travel or identity document.

One of her best-known recordings, it has been described as a "deceptively feisty ballad .

author, or is a purported memoir or other presumably nonfictional writing deceptively presented as true when, in fact, it presents untrue or imaginary information.

The judges wrote: "This whimsical, charming, deceptively simple marriage of animation to the music of Tchaikovsky, Puccini, Beethoven.

It is one of those deceptively simple, clever, useful, and easy to use tools that many seem to own.

He is deceptively tall.

the smooth-talking sentimental jokester Alan-a-Dale, Misty Rowe as the deceptively ditzy-looking blonde Maid Marian, and David Sabin as the mighty Little.

regards to treatment of cancerous cells and deeper insight into its deceptively complex pathways have been topics of increasing interest to medical researchers.

The settings are often deceptively ordinary, such as cheerful suburban homes or shabby hotels.

rape may be coerced to fein consent such that the pornography produced deceptively appears as simulated rape or non-rape pornography.

homemade tape collages, and other noisy interludes, all anchored by deceptively sturdy melodies.


misleadingly; deceivingly;

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