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deciles Meaning in Bengali

deciles's Usage Examples:

Current deciles were calculated in 2014 following the 2013 census (delayed two years due to the 2011 Christchurch earthquake).

The previous deciles came.

Common quantiles have special names, such as quartiles (four groups), deciles (ten groups), and percentiles (100 groups).

the interdecile range is the difference between the first and the ninth deciles (10% and 90%).

non-parametric statistics, called a "seven-figure summary", including the extremes, deciles, and quartiles, along with the median.

The deciles of all schools were last revised using information from the 2006 Census.

The deciles were last revised using information from the 2006 Census.

The deciles were last revised using information from the 2013 Census.

It segments the population into ten deciles based on their relative means, with LSM 1 being the decile with the least.

The Hosmer–Lemeshow test specifically identifies subgroups as the deciles of fitted risk values.

(Bowley actually used a "seven-figure summary", including the extremes, deciles and quartiles, along with the median—see his Elementary Manual of Statistics.

Rainfall deciles for Australia in 1997.

English language proficiency (12 points maximum) 1st – 5th deciles 0 points 6th – 7th deciles 6 points 8th decile 10 points 9th decile 11 points 10th decile.


mark; grade; score;


lead; deficit; dissuade; fall back;

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