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decimalise Meaning in Bengali

decimalise's Usage Examples:

cents (5C, 10C, 20C and 25C, respectively) although Rhodesia did not decimalise until 1970.

to standardise to a single currency within its borders, and chose to decimalise.

When the British government decided to decimalise its currency.

The idea fell on fertile ground, and in 1963, the Government decided to decimalise New Zealand currency.

coin's introduction on 15 February 1971, the day British currency was decimalised.

the early 20th century the government of the Qing dynasty attempted to decimalise the currency among many other economic reforms and established a national.

Kingdom and in Ireland was 15 February 1971, the day on which each country decimalised its respective £sd currency of pounds, shillings, and pence.


alter; decimalize; modify; change;


discharge; stabilise; wet; focus; detransitivize;

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