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deflation Meaning in Bengali

 মূদ্রা সংকোচন


নি:সৃততা, ক্ষরিততা, বিচ্ছুরিততা,

deflation শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মূদ্রা সংকোচন যখন মুদ্রাস্ফীতি হার ০% (নেতিবাচক মুদ্রাস্ফীতি হার) নিচে নেমে আসে ।

সিরিজের অংশ মৌলিক ধারণা সামগ্রিক চাহিদা সামগ্রিক যোগান ব্যবসা চক্র মূদ্রা সংকোচন চাহিদা অভিঘাত মুদ্রাস্ফীতি হ্রাস কার্যকর চাহিদা প্রত্যাশা Adaptive Rational ।

সামষ্টিক অর্থনীতি মৌলিক ধারণা সামগ্রিক চাহিদা সামগ্রিক যোগান ব্যবসা চক্র মূদ্রা সংকোচন চাহিদা অভিঘাত মুদ্রাস্ফীতি হ্রাস কার্যকর চাহিদা প্রত্যাশা Adaptive Rational ।

deflation's Usage Examples:

In economics, deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services.

The opposite of inflation is deflation, a sustained decrease in the general price level of goods and services.

consumer price index (CPI), the GDP deflator is a measure of price inflation/deflation with respect to a specific base year; the GDP deflator of the base year.

which experience intense and sustained erosion are called deflation zones.

Most aeolian deflation zones are composed of desert pavement, a sheet-like surface.

earliest American neoclassical economists, though his later work on debt deflation has been embraced by the post-Keynesian school.

inflation rate is not very high to start with, disinflation can lead to deflation – decreases in the overall money supply, as well as decreases in the general.

Interest rates dropped to low levels by the mid-1930, but expected deflation and the continuing reluctance of people to borrow meant that consumer.

When prices decrease, there is deflation.

price index) during low inflation, high inflation, hyperinflation and deflation; i.

true if there is deflation.

Using ratings to compare players between different eras is made more difficult when inflation or deflation are present.

tilings with different sizes of tiles, using processes called inflation and deflation.

Though a period of general deflation and a general contraction, it did not have the severe economic retrogression.

This was followed by a deflation in asset and commodity prices, dramatic drops in demand and credit, and.

be in the form of inflation, which is a response to pressurization, or deflation, which is a response to depressurization.

The extent of the deflation was not only large, but large relative to the accompanying decline in.

Policy is set to maintain a very low rate of inflation or deflation.

the deflation reflex discovered by the same individuals, Hering and Breuer.

The majority of this page discusses the inflation reflex; the deflation reflex.


economic process;


disinflation; inflation;

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