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dialogical Meaning in Bengali


আধিভৌতিক, জীবতত্ত্বিক, জীববিজ্ঞানসংক্রান্ত,

dialogical শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পৃথিবীর জীবমণ্ডল মানুষের জন্য প্রচুর জীবতত্ত্বিক উপাদান তৈরি করে, যার মধ্যে অন্তর্ভুক্ত খাদ্য, কাঠ, ঔষধপত্র, অক্সিজেন ।

সাধারণত অ্যানোক্সিক না হয়, বিষাক্ত হাইড্রোজেন সালফাইডের প্রাদুর্ভাবে জীবতত্ত্বিক ক্রিয়াকলাপ কমে যায় এবং প্রজাতির বৈচিত্র্যের একটি নিম্ন স্তরের ফলাফল ।

dialogical's Usage Examples:

Bernard Häring, presents a dialogical approach to Catholic moral theology in his trilogies The Law of Christ.

The dialogical self is a psychological concept which describes the mind's ability to imagine the different positions of participants in an internal dialogue.

This includes the dialogical approach, which conceives arguments as moves in a dialogue-game aimed.

Game semantics (German: dialogische Logik, translated as dialogical logic) is an approach to formal semantics that grounds the concepts of truth or validity.

In dialogical logic (game semantics), tree calculations (generally, of Gentzen type.

Catholic University of Nijmegen, internationally known as the creator of dialogical self theory.

"My mother!") was an Italian television series, consisting of 30 non-dialogical episodes lasting 8 minutes each.

Dialogical analysis, or more precisely dialogical interaction analysis, refers to a way of analyzing human communication which is based on the theory.

theorists can become unified in dialogue by charting what he calls the "dialogical dialectical tension", or the similarities and differences in their understanding.

(Habermas, 1984), the notion of dialogic imagination (Bahktin, 1981) and the dialogical self (Soler, 2004).

I, thou, and we: A dialogical approach to couples therapy Dialogical and Person-Centred.

theory and systems or ecological psychotherapy; between the concept of dialogical relationship and object relations, attachment theory, client-centered.

He was a proponent of dialogical anthropology.

Bakhtinian philosophy of dialogue, it was first systematically applied to dialogical education by Ramón Flecha in his 2000 work Sharing Words.

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