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die off Meaning in Bengali

 একে একে মরিয়া যাত্তয়া,

die off's Usage Examples:

In the early 21st century, baobabs in southern Africa began to die off rapidly from a cause yet to be determined.

As the neutrophils die off from toxins and old age, they are destroyed by macrophages, forming the.

and overwinter, while workers – both non-reproductive and reproductive – die off.

It is widely believed that neurons die off gradually as we age, yet some older memories can be stronger than most.

certain circumstances will cause the organism to rapidly degenerate and die off.

endangered species diminishes even more when reproductive individuals die off before reproducing with others in their endangered low population.

In November 2007, it was announced that the character would die off-screen and in April 2008 his funeral was screened as part of a special.

However, the long-term trend is for plant life to die off altogether.

known as Purkinje cells, located in the cerebellum of the brain, begin to die off.

is intentionally killed by additional fortification, or is allowed to die off through non-replenishment.

As the plants die off peat is produced.

members age the set stays together and increases in seniority as older sets die off and new ones are formed beneath it.


go bad; pass away; drown; fail; break; starve; pass; give-up the ghost; famish; go; fall; choke; give out; kick the bucket; cash in one's chips; buy it; succumb; exit; decease; abort; asphyxiate; perish; change state; stifle; pop off; buy the farm; give way; predecease; croak; snuff it; suffocate; break down; conk; conk out; turn; expire; drop dead; yield; pip out;


be born; survive; validate; continue; conform to;

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