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die out Meaning in Bengali

 লুপ্ত হত্তয়া, অদৃশ্য হত্তয়া,

die out's Usage Examples:

An infection that starts as an epidemic will eventually either die out (with the possibility of it resurging in a theoretically predictable cyclical.

grantor (O) should the natural, lawful descendants of the grantee all die out.

(Quechua llaqta place (village, town, city, country, nation), qulluy to die out, become extinct; to fail, "extinct town", also spelled Llaqta Qolloy) is.

(Quechua llaqta place (village, town, city, country, nation), qulluy to die out, become extinct; to fail, "extinct town", also spelled Llaccta Ccolloy.

rugged and rocky and contains some dunes, it also contains many wadis that die out before reaching the Nile.

formats, along with the earlier demise of easy listening) is likely to die out.

principle, species less suited to compete for resources should either adapt or die out, although competitive exclusion is rarely found in natural ecosystems.

This quantity determines whether the infection will spread exponentially, die out, or remain constant: if R0 > 1, then each person on average infects more.

The sjøfløyte tradition began to die out in the 20th century, but was revived in the 1970s by musicians such as.

Gooks did not die out completely, and records exist of at least some bal maidens continuing to.

though the Sun won't destroy Earth until December 31, all animals will die out by the end of May.

moa and its predator, Haast's eagle, die out in New Zealand.

394 ya (1627) The last recorded wild aurochs die out.

People who picked the plant's flowers caused the plant to almost die out in the 1970s.

population ages and soon die, there is fear that the Kven language will die out as well.

Higher Q indicates a lower rate of energy loss and the oscillations die out more slowly.

This requirement would die out as boards of physicians and other professionals made such supervision by.


disappear; die off; vanish; go away;


appear; materialise; materialize; begin; strengthen;

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