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disagreed Meaning in Bengali

 অনভিপ্রেত, অননুমোদিত,


বিরোধী হত্তয়া, বেসুরো হত্তয়া, অনিচ্ছা প্রকাশ করা, বিবাদ করা, অসম্মত হত্তয়া, ভিন্নমত হত্তয়া, বেতালা হত্তয়া, বিসদৃশ হত্তয়া,

disagreed শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আবগারি শুল্ক তথাকথিত অনভিপ্রেত দ্রব্যাদির (যেমন, মদ ও তামাকের) ভোগকে নিরুৎসাহিত করতে আরোপ করা হয় ।

মহাবিষুবের সাথে জুলিয়ান বর্ষপঞ্জীর এই ব্যবধান রোমান ক্যাথলিক গির্জার কাছে অনভিপ্রেত ছিল ।

অনভিপ্রেত ভেসে থাকা পললগুলির বর্ধিত ঘনত্ব এবং ক্রমশ নিচে জমে যাওয়া (অস্থায়ী বা ।

যৌন হয়রানির মধ্যে অনভিপ্রেত আচরণ অন্তর্ভুক্ত যেটি যৌন প্রকৃতির বা লিঙ্গের কারণে কোনো ব্যক্তিকে উদ্দিষ্ট ।

এই অবস্থাটি ছিল আকালের সন্ধানীদের কাছে খুবই অনভিপ্রেত একটি অবস্থা ।

ওই আক্রমণ ছিল অনভিপ্রেত

disagreed's Usage Examples:

founded in opposition to the FIGC by the clubs of Northern Italy, which disagreed the old format of the championship, based on plethoric regional groups.

opposition to the FIGC by the richest clubs of Northern Italy, which disagreed the old format of the championship, based on plethoric regional groups.

imposed very strict laws that many colonists disagreed with, such as the banning of alcoholic beverages.

He disagreed with slavery and thought a system of smallholdings.

Although many botanists still disagreed that this was necessary, this solution was eventually officially adopted.

Themistocles of Athens disagreed, for the reason that it would be intolerable if most of Greece should.

movements in history consisted in a great number of individual thinkers who disagreed in various ways; it is often inaccurate and something of a caricature.

club would play in the 1969 Copa Libertadores de América, since Brazil disagreed on the format of the tournament, whose dates would conflict with the preparation.

January 1992 by former members of the Communist Party of Great Britain who disagreed with the CPGB's disbanding and reforming in 1991 as the Democratic Left.

Indeed, scholars have disagreed about almost every aspect of the play; it has been dated as early as 1582–83.

Famous Broadway producer Earl Carroll, Murder at the Vanities, also disagreed with their choice and took the runner-up to New York City where he performed.

Tuo however, disagreed with the more radically puritanical views espoused by padris including.

Many nobles who disagreed her were murdered and some escaped.

that became a viral internet sensation on 26 February 2015, when viewers disagreed over whether the dress pictured was coloured black and blue, or white.

Domei which was formed by Adachi Kenzō in 1933 and In 1936, Nakano Seigō disagreed with Adachi of matters of policy and formed a separate group, which he.

really intended to decrease the number of citizens, and thus voters, who disagreed with the Federalist Party.

However, Erfurt coach Jens Lang and his cyclist Jens Lehmann disagreed with the national team selection, and threatened with not competing with.

They disagreed vehemently over where the new lines were sited and how they were constructed.

Justice Stevens wrote for the majority, which disagreed with Exxon et al.

He was opposed by Ludington, who disagreed with the regulations placed on railroads and in turn received the support.

dedication of the temple is traditionally dated to 497 BC, but ancient writers disagreed greatly about the history of this site.


negate; contravene; contradict; take issue; clash; dissent; differ;


agreement; assent; equal; conform; agree;

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