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disallows Meaning in Bengali


অনুমতি না করা, অনুমতি না দেত্তয়া,

disallows's Usage Examples:

This disallows a root user to load arbitrary code via kexec and execute it, complementing.

This is the primary argument against the practice, since it disallows non-union workers to gain employment.

JSONP enables sharing of data bypassing same-origin policy, which disallows running JavaScript code to read media DOM elements or XMLHttpRequest data.

A longstanding House rule that disallows changing of a vote if the vote changes the outcome of the bill prevented.

It is a modification of the doctrine of contributory negligence that disallows any recovery by a plaintiff whose negligence contributed even minimally.

rules of evidence, such as rules excluding hearsay, in a fashion that disallows a criminal defendant from presenting reliable exculpatory evidence and.

support becomes past-due; overrides any state's statute of limitations; disallows any judicial discretion, even from bankruptcy judges; and requires that.

The Trent Tucker Rule is a basketball rule that disallows any regular shot to be taken on the court if the ball is put into play with under 0.

The Pauli exclusion principle disallows two identical half-integer spin particles (electrons and all other fermions).

the objection is "sustained" (the judge agrees with the objection and disallows the question, testimony, or evidence) or "overruled" (the judge disagrees.

other network footage in any way other than for reference purposes and disallows it from being used in political advertising, an issue which came to the.

network (when it no longer detects that IRC services are available), it disallows anyone creating a channel to be given operator privileges.

circuit complexity that allows addition and bitwise Boolean operations but disallows the multiplication operations used in the original fusion tree algorithm.

Euclid also disallows gotos, floating point numbers, global assignments, nested functions and.

Pakistani constitution, from publicly practising the Islamic faith and also disallows them from using any Islamic texts for praying purposes.

institutions from informing clients about the existence of such accounts and disallows any disclosure that may allow a customer a way of identifying such accounts.

Because frequentist statistics disallows metaprobabilities,[citation needed] frequentists have had to propose new.

Section 162(c) disallows a deduction for illegal payments to government officials or employee, kickbacks, bribes, etc.

Section 162(e) disallows a deduction.

One common rule-set disallows moving sequences of cards, effectively making the game harder.

) However, because (1) the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago disallows itself to act to invalidate laws that existed prior to the enactment of.


ban; require; bar; prohibit; command; veto; illegalize; interdict; exclude; enjoin; forbid; nix; criminalize; proscribe; debar; illegalise; criminalise; outlaw;


legalize; decriminalise; permit; allow; decriminalize;

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