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discharges Meaning in Bengali

 দাগা, বরখাস্ত করা, মুক্ত করা, মুক্তি করা, ভারমুক্ত করা, ঢালিয়া দেত্তয়া, নির্গত করা, নিক্ষেপ করা, সম্পাদন করা, খারিজ করা,


সম্পাদন, নির্গত বস্তু, অর্থাদি প্রদান, নির্গমন, নিক্ষেপ, খালাস, বন্দুকাদির দাগা, ভারমুক্তি, প্রবাহ, মুক্তি, অগ্নিবৃষ্টি,


খারিজ করা, সম্পাদন করা, নিক্ষেপ করা, নির্গত করা, ঢালিয়া দেত্তয়া, ভারমুক্ত করা, মুক্তি করা, মুক্ত করা, বরখাস্ত করা, দাগা,

discharges's Usage Examples:

0%) other-than-honorable discharges, 637 (0.

31%) bad conduct discharges, and 157 (0.

08%) dishonorable discharges.

These discharges usually begin as IC discharges originating within the convective region; the negative.

filamentary multibranched discharges which are purplish-blue in colour.

High-voltage, high-energy discharges create thicker discharges with fewer branches,.

Corona discharges can often be suppressed by improved insulation, corona rings, and making.

The properties and effects of electric discharges are useful over a wide range of magnitudes.

Ganges Chasma is thought to have formed through a series of catastrophic discharges of water and CO2 from chaos terrains such as that preserved in Ganges.

Glow discharges are used as a source of light in devices such as neon lights, fluorescent.

The Agawam River receives discharges from the Wareham Sewage Treatment plant, which discharges 0.

Different types of discharges from ulcer are: Serous, usually seen in healing ulcer Purulent, seen in.

Sprites or red sprites are large-scale electric discharges that occur high above thunderstorm clouds, or cumulonimbus, giving rise to a quite varied range.

photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges.

The lake's primary source is the Begna river, which discharges into Tyrifjorden at Hønefoss where the river forms the waterfall of Hønefossen.

Karamenderes discharges to Dardanelles Strait and Biga River discharges to the Marmara Sea.

because of the high percentage of African Americans who received blue discharges—and in Congress, the blue discharge was discontinued in 1947, replaced.

frequently occurring volcanic hazard in Iceland, with major events where peak discharges can reach 10 000 – 100 000 m3/s occurring when there are large eruptions.


Gunneklevfjord's mouth lies to the north where the Porsgrunn River discharges into the Frierfjord at Norsk Hydro's factory complex.

The river eventually discharges into the Lynd River, west of Torwood.

Eventually the Lynd discharges into the Mitchell River.

There has been a suggestion such high discharges of water to the surface through these fissures are physically implausible[citation.

organic debris and other sediments that sometimes form when lightning discharges into ground.


eruption; volcanic eruption; occurrent; electrical discharge; detonation; occurrence; explosion; natural event; blowup; happening;


clasp; engage; running; stay; failing;

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