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dissatisfactions Meaning in Bengali


অসন্তোষ, অতৃপ্তি, অপ্রসন্নতা, অতুষ্টি, অখুশি,

dissatisfactions শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এর যে কোনও একটিতে সমস্যা বিশেষ করে অতৃপ্তি ঘটে গেলে মানুষের ব্যক্তিত্ব অস্বাভাবিক হয়ে পড়ে ।

কেউ যাকে কল্পবিজ্ঞানের সীমাবদ্ধতা পার সে (per se) মনে করেন তার প্রতিও অতৃপ্তি জ্ঞাপন করতে এই শব্দটি ব্যবহার করা হয় ।

অন্তরে অতৃপ্তি রবে সাঙ্গ করি মনে হবে শেষ হয়ে হইল না শেষ ।

dissatisfactions's Usage Examples:

His tenure as an MP led to severe dissatisfactions and cost him his deposit in the 2008 state assembly election.

Romantic entanglements and the dissatisfactions of love remain a major concern and the novel maintains Powell's characteristic.

condescending and supercilious, and insists on communicating his alienating dissatisfactions with all those he meets, even with strangers, and most often unsolicited.

relationship with women, and suggests solutions to their limits and dissatisfactions.

As a result, it is frequently proposed as a solution to the dissatisfactions that arise when one or two constituent units feel significantly different.

rights, parent-child tensions, and, as always in Powell’s work, the dissatisfactions of romance and sex, this time including cross-dressing.

who left the band as soon as the recording sessions ended citing "dissatisfactions with the music industry".

reasons for the divisions are on account of repeated conflicts and dissatisfactions among the three distinct original families.

Women focuses on the many dissatisfactions Chinaski faced with each new woman he encountered.

conduit for Nigeria's growing Internet-enabled minority to express their dissatisfactions with the current state of affairs in Nigeria.

encounter takes a melancholic turn, as the guests start to reveal their dissatisfactions and annoyances.

- that had manager Arsène Wenger as the principle target of their dissatisfactions.

Forced by hardships and the dissatisfactions of other members to abandon it, Armstrong returned to Philadelphia.

while Dorothy Colmer has suggested that she reflects the "political dissatisfactions of the age" as represented by Starre in 1381.

government, through substantial reforms, attempted to remove the roots of dissatisfactions and create more room for the participation of people in the political.

St Mag called it a 'disappointment' with 'more dissatisfactions in the book than anything else'.

requirement and tuition fee [1], in high profile partly due to their dissatisfactions towards the perceived unfriendly education reform policy.

from all over the country to three centralized locations, it created dissatisfactions amongst affected employees.


boredom; disappointment; discontentedness; displeasure; ennui; discontentment; discontent; tedium; letdown;


contented; pleased; happy; contentment; satisfaction;

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