<< distal distance >>

distally Meaning in Bengali

distally's Usage Examples:

metatarsals as fused only distally, but Zhou and Hou (2002) revised this analysis, finding that the metatarsus was fused distally and proximally, but not.

proximal nailfold and converging in a V-shaped pattern towards the midpoint distally.

In the most dependent parts of the body (those hanging distally), it may be called dependent edema.

It is located distally to the vertebral artery and proximally to the costocervical trunk.

minor is known from the holotype PVL 4046, a distally imperfect right humerus M.

An urostomy is a related procedure performed more distally along the urinary system to provide urinary diversion.

thin, dull, fragile, and finely longitudinally ridged, and, as a result, distally notched.

immediately before the urethral and the dorsal artery of the penis more distally.

of their length but expand distally into a flattened comb- or fork-like tip.

Hooks are stout cheatae that curve distally and may be dentate or strongly.

Their openings are usually directed distally.

more proximally, and laterally bounded by the hook of the hamate more distally.

periods of contraction followed by relaxation, in order to propel food distally into the rectum; however, the tonic response across the colon is uncertain.

lunulate postmedial fascia, edged distally with white posteriorly.

The lunulate subterminal fascia is pale buff, bordered distally and proximally by a broad brown.

springs are the main component which act against the 1st molars to move them distally.

the radial artery also branches into the dorsalis pollicis artery; more distally it branches into the princeps pollicis artery, and anastomoses with perforating.

The omohyoid muscle is proximally attached to the scapula and distally attached to the hyoid bone, stabilising it.

longus arises distally on the fibula and on the interosseus membrane from where its relatively thick muscle belly extends far distally.

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