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eavesdropper Meaning in Bengali

 যে আড়ি পেতে শুনে,


যে আড়ি পেতে শুনে,

eavesdropper's Usage Examples:

The verb eavesdrop is a back-formation from the noun eavesdropper ("a person who eavesdrops"), which was formed from the related noun eavesdrop.

announced that the same call had also been recorded by another Oxfordshire eavesdropper, 25-year-old Jane Norgrove, who claimed she had recorded the call on.

leakage happens whenever a system that is designed to be closed to an eavesdropper reveals some information to unauthorized parties nonetheless.

is used in keyless entry systems to prevent replay attacks, where an eavesdropper records the transmission and replays it at a later time to cause the.

uniform random number between 0 and some maximum M, for example, then an eavesdropper will be unable to determine the message's length precisely within that.

The first to be added was Eve, the "eavesdropper.

The CDH problem illustrates the attack of an eavesdropper in the Diffie–Hellman key exchange protocol to obtain the exchanged secret.

An important property is that an eavesdropper or man-in-the-middle cannot obtain enough information to be able to brute-force.

This works so long as the number of photons siphoned off by the eavesdropper is not sufficient to determine the polarization angles.

, the eavesdropper has no information about it), otherwise no secure key is possible and.

desired hostname is not encrypted in the original SNI extension, so an eavesdropper can see which site is being requested.

, remains unrevealed) to an eavesdropper preventing an off-line dictionary attack.

Like all PAKE protocols, an eavesdropper or man in the middle cannot obtain enough information to be able to brute-force.

Other than spoken face-to-face communication with no possible eavesdropper, it is probably safe to say that no communication is guaranteed to be.

as described by Ron Rivest and Adi Shamir, was designed to frustrate eavesdropper attack against two parties that use an anonymous key exchange protocol.

mathematically without imposing any restrictions on the abilities of an eavesdropper, something not possible with classical key distribution.

receiver, but provides no anonymity against a global attacker or a local eavesdropper (see "Crowds: Anonymity For Web Transactions").

1 big-league freelance eavesdropper and wiretapper in the U.


snoop; tapper; listener; attender; wiretapper; auditor; snooper; phone tapper; hearer;



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